you've done it again

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The next day at school I found letter in my locker. It said

Hey princess, I found a way for you

To forgive me, you just have to give me a chance,

Meet me in the cafeteria and sit at our table.

You always sit alone, no offense ;)- hunter

Okay that was sweet but he called me a loner. Only I can call myself a loner.
Such a douche.

At lunch I did as he asked and I went to the cafeteria. It took me a while to find his table but when I did I saw a lot of girls sitting on it as well. But I saw Hunter with his arm around another girl. I stopped walking and i got a weird feeling in my stomach. He never cared for a girl and didn't want to show it, that was a bunch of bullshit. I rolled my eyes at myself. I'm so pathetic, it's actually sad. He probably just said that so i wouldn't get any ideas. 

 I can't believe he could lie to me like that. I turned around with holding in the hate and anger i had for him at this moment. I hated him. From now on Skylar you hate Hunter. You said that yesterday... 

I had to keep telling myself that. I couldn't afford to get hurt again by this jerk. I survived the day without seeing him. I did see him along the way but dodged his path. The day felt like it kept extending and I just wanted to disappear and reappear back in my room.


No one was home when I got back so I went straight to my room. Sitting across from my window the one and only hunter valentine, the jerk who is playing around with my emotions. You're emotions mean nothing to him Skylar, take a hint.
He caught me staring and said

"oh so you checking me out now princess?" with a grin on his face

"Oh can you PLEASE take you and your ego somewhere else, if you hadn't noticed im kind of avoiding you"

"So is that why you didn't show up today"

"Trust me I showed up, but you looked a bit occupied so I left"

"Occupied with what?" does he honestly not know or he just pretending to be an ass?

"Were you lying when you told me you couldn't show your friendsyou cared about a girl"

"What no, why would you think that?!"

"Cause you seemed to be surrounded by them"

"Are you jealous princess?"

"W-why would I be, I don't even care about what you do with other girls"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah!" I said almost yelling

"Then why did you leave when you saw that I had my arm around someone else?"

"I'm just angry because you lied. Don't get any ideas Hunter. You're not good enough for me to be jealous over"

I slammed the window and closed the curtains.


She did it again. She always says she doesn't care when she really does. Why can't I just forget about her? So many girls would die to talk to me. Why doesn't she?! "Get it together Hunter" I whispered to myself. I was going to go take a shower but I heard singing and it was coming from Skylar's room. She was singing 'ugly heart' wait the lyrics are 'okay you're pretty your face is a work of art' that has to be about me for sure 'but it's such a pity a boy so pretty with an ugly heart' wait, wait, wait was she singing about me.i do not have an UGLY HEART! I opened my window and screamed "HEY!"

The singing stopped and she opened her curtains and yelled

"What do you want hunter, last time I checked I was mad at you... hmm yeah, that's still the same now"

"Well if you're done with me then why are you singing about me, nice voice by the way but still why are you singing about me"

"How do you know I was singing about you?"

"Who else would you be singing about?"

"The jerk who broke my heart! That's who" then a second past and she was gone.

I am really not good with girls like this. Why do I always end up making her cry or getting her mad at me. 

Maybe because she's the first girl you actually have to chase? 

Yeah that's probably it.

/// I feel like this whole book is just made up of filler chapters.

+If you actually like this book then... thanks ahah+

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