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The boy sat alone on the bench, facing the older kids playing a game of basketball.

It was a usual day for the boy, nothing out of the ordinary.

Then all of a sudden, a ball came launching towards the little boy. He however, didn't see the ball coming.

It didn't hit him fortunately. Instead another boy bigger than him caught the ball in time.

"Sorry, we almost hit you," the bigger boy said. He turned around to face Jin who was in a state of shock. "Oh, you're that boy we saw at that super market yesterday!"

Sangwoo threw the ball towards his friends, and knelt down in front of Jin. "I didn't get your name last time. Did you like the chocolate? Do you wanna hang out with us? Why are yo-"

"Sangwoo! What are you doing over there?" A girl around the age said, coming up to them. "Oh, hey Ji! I'm talking to this boy." Sangwoo replied with a smile.

"Well, your friends told me to get you. You should probably get back." The girl said pointing to the player waiting for Sangwoo.

"Oh, okay. Bye, um, boy...?" Sangwoo waves and heads back to the court.

The girl then looks down at the boy, "stop trying to get Sangwoo's attention. He likes girl not boys."

She walks off leaving Jin to tend with his sore heart.


[Kim Jinsoo]

I closed the front door softly, aware that the house was completely silent. I assumed my mom was on a late night shift because she usually stays this late at the hospital.

I put down my backpack on one of the dining chairs and headed towards my room. I opened my door, my soft steps entering the moonlit room.

I closed my blinds and headed towards my closet to grab a set of night clothes. Then, I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom to run a shower.

I took a short one, trying not to get in depth with my mind tonight.

Putting on my night wear, I applied my moisturizer and hit the bed. Getting nice and cozy between my sheets, the warmth encasing me with open arms.

The lights were off creating a dark atmosphere in the bedroom, unwelcoming yet comforting. I latched in the Engle of the blanket, bringing it close to my face as possible to make me feel less frightened.

I know I should be over the dark, but the thought of the unknown in an area where you can't see is just.....nuuu....

Soon, a little while after hiding from the darkness, my eyes grew heavy representing my need needed sleep. My eyes close, letting me forget any of my worries.


I sit up from the ground, wondering how I've arrived in front of my house.

Observing my surroundings, I have realized I was in the past.

I stood up, brushing my pants with my hands to remove the dirt caught on them. I was shorter than I currently was; younger too.

I walked through my door to see my mom and dad at the kitchen cooking and laughing together.

I came up to my dad and pulled on his sweats to get his attention. He looked down and gave me a smile, the smile that could light the world.

He then goes to pick me up and kisses me gently on my cheek. "Who's the most prettiest boy ever?"

He puts me down and goes over to the table and sits down. "The food smells delicious, can't wait to eat it." My mom laughs and tells him to be patient while I waddle to the couch to sit.

My dad gets a phone call and takes it outside while I turn on the television to watch some cartoons.

"Jinsoo, can you get your dad so that we eat dinner." My mom asks, plating the food that she has prepared. I replied with a 'yes' and headed outside to my dad. I opened the door, hesitant do disturb the conversation.

"Well do something about it! I don't have time to hear you complaining about how to run the business when you're not."

My dad looked frustrated talking on the phone. I gave him some time to talk this out with the other side.

"I have a family to take care of, it's my day off. Can you please just leave me alone in peace?" He stops, waiting for a response from the other line. Then there was a murmur.

"Seriously! I already checked in a week ago about this, why do you need me now? Why can't you ask Seo-Jun instead?"

The voice on the other side was reluctant from the absence of talking. Then it replied.

"I really have to work on my day off? I told everyone before I left that I was not going to be here today."

He paused, hoping that the other line will let him stay. I on the other hand didn't know what to do.

"Fine, I'll be there in a bit.."

He ended the call and turned to face me, "J-Jinsoo? What are you doing out here?"

"Mommy told me to get you for dinner..."

My dad just let out a heavy sigh, "daddy has to go back to work today."

I stare at him with large watery eyes, "really? But you said that you'd be able to stay home all day..."

My dad gave me a warm smile. "Please don't cry Jin, I'll be gone until tonight. I will see you once I get home okay." He walks back into the house where my mom was preparing the table.

"What took you so long Jin? I asked you to get daddy not play with him for almost ten minutes." My mother laughed a bit and turned to her husband.

"Work called, they said I have to be there to settle some business. I'll be back around eight tonight. Please take care. I'll make sure to eat all of your food when I get home though." My dad said.

"Really? Why didn't they try to replace you with another person?"

My dad explained to my mom what happened and my mom nodded understandingly. "It's totally fine. We could always have family days on any other day. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

My dad kissed me mom and hugged me.

"Please be good to your mother Jin, take care of her."

My dad grabbed his coat from the coat rack and gathered his work supplies.

"I love you, bye!"

My dad gave me one last hug and my mom a kiss before he left. I turned to face my mom who was putting portions of food into little containers.

"Mommy, let's eat now then we can eat again when daddy come back!"

My mom looked at me and smile, "yes, let's eat Jin."

She filled me a bowl of rice and bulgogi for me to eat. I happily accepted the dish and dug in.

"Is it good," My mom asked with hopefulness in her voice.

I nod gratefully, "mmmh!"


That night, I remember the cries of my mother when we heard that a car flipped over by a drunk driver on the news....

But what hurt the most was dad's broken promise...

A/n: heyyyyoooooo my peeepoleees, I'm a bit late on my schedule. But I've been busy a bit. I might change the posting time if I get any busier so be warned.

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