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Your perspective;

Ugh, what a dream. I shifted underneath my covers till I was turned around. My eyes fluttered open while adjusting to the darkness of my room. As I came to, I found that I was face to face with a beautiful woman...

You: Wha-

???: Good morning, sleepyhead!

I jolted up, falling off my bed and on the cold floor. Suddenly, the curtains were thrown back allowing sunshine to vanquish the darkness of the room. I was blinded by the sudden action and had to use my arm as a shield. After adjusting, I took in the image before me. It was the woman from my dream! To top everything off, she was completely naked!

You: AHHH!!! Who ARE you?!

Ayumi: My name is Ayumi Hisae Jitsuko, I'm an Angel of the Lord!

You: WHAT?!

Just then, two white feathery wings expanded from her back. They had somewhat of a holy glow to them. I must still be dreaming!

Ayumi: It's nice to officially meet you, face to face!

You: What do you mean by, "officially meet?"

Ayumi: Well, I've always been watching over you! I've watched you grow from a tiny cute fetus to a very strapping young man! Now I get to officially meet you!

I must be going insane. There is no way that an actual, real life, Angel managed to get into my house. I would be lying if I said I wasn't panicking inside, because boy was I!

The sound of heels clicking on the stairs right outside my room about gave me a heart-attack! It had to be Leahy, if she enters then I'm screwed. A big, beautiful, naked, busty Angel is standing in front of me, I'm so dead!

You: Quick, in here!

I pulled her into the closet, successfully hiding her from view. Just as I closed the doors, Leahy walked in. Might I add that I was also in my trousers.

Leahy: Hey sweetheart, I didn't see you come in last night. Is everything okay? You look tense.

Inside, I was totally panicking. If you listened closely, you could hear movement from within the closet. I thought I was done for. Seriously, I don't know what Ayumi was doing in there but it certainly wasn't discreet.

You: Y-yeah, I'm f-fine!

Leahy: Well then put some clothes on, Mr. Sexy. Breakfast is ready!

As soon as she had gone, I ripped open the closet doors to see Ayumi playing dress up. She had on 3 different shirts as well as my old baseball helmet, still no bottoms.

Ayumi: Hey Mr. Sexy!

You: Oh, don't start! What are you doing?!

Ayumi: Admiring your wardrobe, it's totes adorable!

You: Okay, so what happened yesterday wasn't a dream?

Ayumi: Nope!

You: So all of that actually happened?

Ayumi: Yep!

You: Dear God....

And just like that, I fainted...

(Time skip)

When I came to, I found that I was laying in my bed. Was that all a dream? A nightmare? Oh God I hope so...

(Y/n)'s Guardian Angel [Original] ~DISCONTINUED~ Where stories live. Discover now