Faith, Family, Friends

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Your perspective;

I stood there in utter shock. The little girl looked at me with a cute smile, she was kinda adorable. Besides the band aids and eye patch, she seemed like a normal little girl. Then again, normal little girls don't stalk people before entering their home without permission. This whole situation was making me sweat. Where did she come from?

Ayumi: Lorelei is so cute isn't she?!

The girl blushed before returning to her stuffed bunny. The two kids continued to play while ignoring my presence as if this was all A-okay. Leahy would have a fit if she was here, the police might get the wrong idea too.

Lorelei: (Cute little sounds)~

My heart stopped before restarting, it was beating so fast I thought it would bounce out of my chest! My cheeks heated up as I continued to watch Lorelei roll around and play. Ayumi was following her example and looking just as cute. What am I saying?

As if I announced that last comment to the world, Ayumi blushed madly before hitting her head on the wall. I looked over to Lorelei to see a faint outline of where she was. An obscure sound brought my attention behind me where I saw Lorelei jumping on my bed, giggling adorably.

You: Lorelei.....

She stopped, giving me complete eye contact. A wave of nervousness suddenly washed over me under her gaze. That all ended after a cute smile appeared on her little face. My heart, once again, jumped!

You: Um...whatcha doing here?

As if I just insulted her entire bloodline, Lorelei slowly began to cry. She collapsed on my mattress in a crying fit! Right on cue, it began to pour down rain outside. What a weird coincidence.

You: Wait, please don't cry! I'm sorry....?

The hard pouring rain outside calmed to a light drizzle. Lorelei picked her head up, tears still staining her cheeks. She looked me dead in the eyes with an expectant face. Again, I cringed under her unusual gaze.

Lorelei: ....Do you....m-mean it?

Her voice was low and baby like. My heart started pounding in response to her luscious voice. I quickly nodded my head after I snapped out of my trance. She wiped away her tears before bouncing up and down with new found joy! It wasn't long before I was pounced on by the surprisingly affectionate and forgiving young girl.

Instead of freaking out and screaming bloody murder like a normal person, I hugged her back. It felt....strangely refreshing. A wave of worry and doubt hit me like a bomb before being quickly replaced How can a single hug make me feel so many emotions at once?

Ayumi: Hey, Lorelei? Wanna play outside?!

Lorelei nodded her head so fast I could have sworn I heard the sound barrier break. The two hopped up and down like hyper children. Great, now that Leahy is gone I have to babysit. They raced to the front door when I remembered the rain.

You: Wait! The.........rain....

When I reached the front door I saw the two playing what I think was tag. The sky was clear, in fact there was a rainbow. Something was off but I payed no mind to the rain after that incident. I wrote it off as a weird coincidence.

Ayumi: Come play "Catch the sinner" with us, Mr. Sexy!


(Time Skip)

I sat Lorelei down on the sofa with Ayumi. I was across from them, we sat in silence before I spoke up.

You: So um, where are your parents?

Lorelei started to tear up much to my fright! Ayumi attempted to calm her down but to no avail. I knew I had to fix this, and I had to immediately.

You: Ok! Never mind....touchy subject.

Ayumi: She never met them.

You: How do you know?

Ayumi: ...She told me.

It seemed like Lorelei calmed down. She was messing with her stuffed bunny like everything was normal. None of this is normal!

You: Ayumi?

Ayumi: Hm?

You: Can you ask her about the eye patch?

Ayumi gave me a nod of confirmation. She began to whisper in Lorelei's ear who didn't seem to mind. After some time, Lorelei whispered back.

Ayumi: She says it feels better covered up.

You: What about the bandaids?

Again, the two conversed with each other. I don't know exactly why but it seems like Lorelei is more comfortable with this option. Although, I did notice a look of dread on Lorelei's face in response to the question.

Ayumi: She said, "Bad woman."

You: Did this woman hurt her?

Ayumi nodded sadly. This girl had clearly been abused. There was no point in sending her off. Besides, I don't think she has anywhere else to go. So that was that. Lorelei slept upstairs with Ayumi while I stayed on the couch. I was in deep thought about recent events.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I hopped up quickly and opened it slightly. A tall, mature girl stood before me with what I could only assume was a loaded gun!

 A tall, mature girl stood before me with what I could only assume was a loaded gun!

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???: ...This is definitely the place...

To be continued...

(Y/n)'s Guardian Angel [Original] ~DISCONTINUED~ Where stories live. Discover now