Holy Retribution

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Your perspective;



Just as the words left her mouth a random book flew into her face! Ayumi was suddenly gone along with Lorelei, I wasn't so lucky. The front door wouldn't budge at all, me and Yuma were trapped inside HELL!

Yuma: Watch out!

I turned just in time to see a bookcase headed right towards me! It missed my head by an inch and totally took out the entire wall. Yuma was on the other side of the room with her big ole book. I couldn't make out what she was saying, it sounded like gibberish. Although, things seemed to get more violent after every word she chanted! Random pieces of furniture bounced around the room, it was just like something out of a horror movie!


(Time Skip)

There we all were, laying on our backs in the front yard. Yuma to my left, Ayumi to my right and Lorelei on my stomach. The deafening sound of furniture being tossed around helplessly inside rang out on the street. I was too tired to do anything about Lorelei chewing on my shirt.

Yuma: Man, what a day...

You: Everything that happened was because of YOU! Everything was fine until YOU showed up!

Yuma: Wow, this is the thanks I get for helping?

I brought my gaze back up to the bright sun. It's been about 2 hours since we finally managed to escape the evil clutches of my home. We've been laying here ever since, just staring at the sky. Just as the sun shone its bright rays upon my face, a dark shadow suddenly blocked my view.

???: Humans and.....otherwise.

I looked up at the mysterious figure to see a breathtaking beauty...

I looked up at the mysterious figure to see a breathtaking beauty

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???: My name is Astrid, I'm a holy knight and servitude of God. I've come unto you today in hopes of compliance.

Ayumi suddenly jerked up and....saluted? I guess they know each other. To be honest, I was completely use to the whole "servant of God" thing. I guess this is my life now.

Ayumi: Madam Astrid, what a pleasant surprise!

Astrid: ...You.

Before anyone else could say anything, Lorelei jumped to her feet and hid behind Ayumi. Her face was contorted into one of true terror. Something wasn't right about this. Then I remembered what Lorelei told us, "Bad woman."

Lorelei: Bad.....woman...

That confirms it! Astrid looked over at Lorelei with an emotionless expression. Ayumi stood in between confused as to what exactly was happening. While we all stood facing each other like an old fashioned standoff, the sky started to turn grey.

Astrid: I've finally found you, again.

Ayumi: What do you mean-

Astrid: DO NOT TALK TO ME, TRAITOR!!! Now.......hand over the girl.

I could see tears threatening to fall from Ayumi's face. What did Astrid mean by traitor? Lorelei looked genuinely scared, I didn't know what to do. Astrid reached out her hand for Lorelei to grab. Reluctantly, Lorelei started to reach out for it.


You: ....

Ayumi: .....

Lorelei: .....


Yuma: What? Um, your welcome?

Right before Lorelei grabbed Astrid's hand, she was shot. Astrid was shot right in the face! Blood splattered all over the yard and on everyone nearby! Including ME!!!

You: WHHYYYYY???!!!

Just as the word left my mouth, Astrid's body began to twitch. Right before our eyes, her wound healed like it was nothing but a scratch. My heart dropped as Astrid climbed to her feet. Yuma's smug grin quickly turned to a frown, we all backed up a bit.

Astrid: You.....

Lorelei: Watch out!

I turned just in time to see a flying bed crash threw my window headed right for me! We all hit the deck and watched as it hit Astrid square in the jaw. I took this as an opportunity to make a run for it, I grabbed Lorelei's little hand and ran! Ayumi and Yuma weren't too far off, they were right on our tail. My gaze found its way back to my house to see Astrid shoot some light into it.

You: Thanks demon! What's she doing?!

Ayumi stopped and turned. She had a bit of a quizzical look plastered on her pretty face. Astrid turned to face us before snapping the bed frame in two. Not wanting to waste any time, I grabbed Ayumi's hand and took off with the others! To pick up the slack, Yuma gave Lorelei a piggyback ride.

You: Look and run, not one or the other!

Ayumi: She eradicated the demon! I can't believe my senses didn't pick it up, something's not right...

(Time Skip)

We finally stopped running at the gas station on the edge of town. I fell on my hands and knees and tried to catch my breath. Yuma let Lorelei down as Ayumi regained her position beside her.

Yuma: So.....that just happened.

You: I feel like none of this would have happened if you didn't show up!!

Yuma: That's not fair! I was trying to help, I had nothing to do with that creepy heterochromatic chick!

I looked over to Ayumi and Lorelei to see that they had shifted over to an old couple. One donned priest clothes while the other held a bible. Yuma kept on ranting in the background unaware that I had tuned her out. I watched Lorelei and Ayumi converse with the couple.

Yuma: Are you even listening?! I made a promise to someone that I would.....HEY!!!

As Ayumi continued to talk, I noticed a little dog start barking at Lorelei. She didn't seem to mind and no one noticed. Ayumi then decided to give the couple a hug, that's when it happened. I wish I could hear what was going on but I only watched. The woman's face contorted into one of fear as the man frowned. Lorelei's hand touched the Bible and suddenly it burst into flames!

You: What the hell?!

On the way over I passed the couple who were desperately trying to flee!

Old man: That girl is of the Devil!

Woman: That look in her eyes! They changed...

When I made it to them, Ayumi had a sad smile and Lorelei burst into tears. I looked down at the burnt remains of the Bible, what happened?

You: You guys okay?

Ayumi gave me a reassuring nod as she held Lorelei. Before I could say anything else, my phone rang.

Little did I know that this phone call would change my life forever...

To be continued...

(Y/n)'s Guardian Angel [Original] ~DISCONTINUED~ Where stories live. Discover now