In God We Trust

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Your perspective;

There we all were, in the middle of Harmony Park. I sat beside Ayumi while Yuma sat on the other side. Lorelei was running amuck with some of the smaller kids just having fun. We've all been here for a couple of hours. Thankfully we seemed to have lost the assassins. I looked over to Ayumi, she was in the middle of chowing down on an ice cream cone.

You: So....Lorelei is the Antichrist?

Ayumi: She doesn't deserve such a nickname, she's a doll.

You: And she's the offspring of both Angels and Demons?

Ayumi: Angel father, Demon mother.

Yuma: ....Wow. I say we cap her-

You: Whoa! What the....NO!

All the kids in the area turned to me. Some looked concerned and others scared. Great, now I have kids pitying me. Lorelei glanced over at me with a blank expression. That quickly changed to a trusting smile. My heart singed!

You: We're not....killing....her.

Yuma: If that thing is the Antichrist, and those assassins are after her then I say we do them a favor.

Ayumi: ...It's not that simple. They don't want her dead, they need her.

You: What do you mean?

Lorelei: (Y/n), let's go play!

I decided to drop our discussion for the time being. Ayumi seemed pretty uncomfortable with the whole ordeal. Yuma still looked to be deep in thought, as if she was contemplating something. Lorelei and me played catch the sinner for a couple of minutes which is just a religious version of tag. I glanced over to see Yuma and Ayumi conversing. I wonder what they're talking about.

As I played with Ayumi, I couldn't help but reminisce. Up until a couple of weeks ago, my life was normal. Summer break just started, my cousin's wedding, Melonie got accepted at her dream University. Then those random thugs and Ayumi's arrival changed everything. Leahy is gone, some demonic entity wrecked my home and Lorelei apparently is the Antichrist. My life just got a whole lot stranger.

(Time Skip)

You: more demons.

Yuma: I think we're in the clear, what about it Angel girl?

Ayumi: No evil entity!

As soon as we entered my once recluse home, the feeling of new washed over us. All the furniture had been rebuilt and placed in their exact spots. It's as if no demonic activity had happened at all.

Yuma: That bitch, Astrid, really fixed things up huh?

Ayumi: She drove out the evil, no more demons.

Lorelei immediately rushed over to the couch and hopped on it wildly. It brought a tiny little smile to my face. Somehow, despite the situation, she maintains her innocence. I've only known her for a short time but something within me wants to protect her, preserve her innocence. Now Ayumi is calling her the Antichrist......I don't know if I fully believe it. Lorelei is just too sweet.

Lorelei: Come play with me, Mr. Sexy!

You: ....Oh you've gotta be kidding me...

Though it seems as if that innocence is slowly fading away. I want to protect her but how can I? I'm still just a kid. Leahy would know what to do......I miss her.

Ayumi: (Whispering) Its okay, Mr. Sexy. She's in a better place.

A single tear managed to roll down my cheek resulting in everyone giving me sympathetic looks. Great, just what I need. More people pitying me.

Yuma: Soooo, whats for lunch?

Ayumi: I can cook!

Lorelei: I wanna help!

The duo departed heading straight for the kitchen. I wasn't worried, Ayumi is like the best cook ever. Not even Leahy could keep up with Ayumi in the cooking place. I knew how careful Lorelei was also, there was no doubt in my mind that she would avoid hurting herself. Matter of fact, she's so cautious that sometimes I'll forget her presence. She somehow manages to move like a ninja.

Yuma: Hey! Where can I sleep? Don't tell me I have to take the couch...

You: Huh? You're staying?

Yuma: Well I'm not just gonna leave a cutie like you alone with the Antichrist while being hunted by heaven's biggest bitches! Besides, they're after me now.

You: Oh. What do you mean, you don't want the couch? You're a guest!

Yuma: Well technically I've already gotten to first base with you, so I deserve a promotion. Bedroom sound good? We can cuddle.....

You: ....Whatever. I don't care anymore.

After a couple of hours, the food was ready. Ayumi can sure cook up a mean Turkey. I still have no idea where she gets the ingredients from, seeing as we haven't been to the store in what feels like ages. Lorelei made a smiley face out of the vegetables on my plate. She gave me an adorable grin with an orange peel, cute.

You: Oh, Lori. You're so funny!

Lorelei: (Giggles)

The rest of the day was typical, nothing exciting happened. We played with Lorelei for awhile before watching some cheesy movie. It took us about 3 hours to finish a 1 hour long movie. Too many intermissions...

Needless to say, I slept like an Angel. Ironic, huh? What can I say, they're kinda growing on me.

(Y/n)'s Guardian Angel [Original] ~DISCONTINUED~ Where stories live. Discover now