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Your perspective;

I sat in complete silence. No one dared to say a word to me. I could feel their looks of pity upon my person. Ayumi stood next to me on the bench, I knew she wanted to say something but she obviously held back. A few tears managed to escape my eyes in my attempt to keep from crying. I could feel Lorelei's presence as she took her seat beside me. Her stuffed bunny suddenly made its way into my lap. I looked at her to see a little smile on her lips. Next thing I knew, a hand was being placed upon my shoulder. It was Yuma's hand, a sorrowful look plastered on her face.

Yuma: I'm sorry, kid. No one should have to go through that...

As the words entered my ears, my phone slipped out of my grip. It looked to be falling in slow motion on par with my tears. A warm hand took hold of mine taking me out of the trance. It belonged to Ayumi.

Ayumi: It'll be okay (Y/n). I love you~

Everything had changed. All in an instant. After that one call, my whole world turned upside down. I couldn't comprehend any of this, up until last week my life was completely normal. Now, it's as if a switch was flipped.

You: I...I love you t-too.

Without further resistance, I sunk into Ayumi's warm hug. She kissed my forehead as she held me tight. I could no longer hold it all in, I burst into a thousand tears. Leahy was gone...

Mrs. Hartnell had called to inform me that Leahy's plane never reached it's destination. It just sort of disappeared, disappeared without a trace. I wanted to believe that they just went off the radar or got delayed but deep down I knew...Leahy was gone...

(Time Skip)

I woke up from a normal enough dream before turning over. The bed was soft, almost like it was gonna swallow me up. We were currently staying in a motel just down the road from the gas station. Yuma booked it for us as a sort of "sorry." We figured, well Yuma figured, that going back to my home wasn't such a good idea after all that had happened. I wanted to protest but couldn't manage it. It felt painful thinking of the house me and Leahy use to share.

Yuma: You up, handsome?

You: ...Yeah. Why are you up?

Yuma: Sleep is overrated.

I gave her an unamused look. She slightly flinched from my serious attitude.

Yuma: Can't sleep. Rarely do, issues, that sort of thing.

You: ...Earlier you said you made a promise, what did you mean?

Yuma: Oh, I didn't think you were listening. Anyway it's nothing, doesn't matter.

You: Why did you try to help me? That exorcism thing?

Yuma: It's my job. Helping those who can't help themselves.

You: Does it pay good?

Yuma: I live on credit card scams. Don't tell anyone!

I laughed. It shocked us both. That was my first time since the incident. We both looked over to the other bed beside us, Ayumi and Lorelei were still asleep. While those two shared a bed, me and Yuma took the other.

Yuma: Didn't think Angels needed to sleep.

You: She doesn't. Matter of fact, she's probably faking.

No one moved or said a word. A veil of complete silence covered us. Maybe Ayumi really is asleep...

Yuma: single?

(Y/n)'s Guardian Angel [Original] ~DISCONTINUED~ Where stories live. Discover now