Heaven Sent

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Your perspective;

My eyes fluttered open revealing nothing but trees and darkness. Suddenly my mind flashed back to the past, I remembered! The moon gave me enough light to help in my efforts to climb to my feet. The tall grass came up to my knees swaying back and forth in the wind. I rapidly shot glances in all directions, no one was in sight. Where are the others?!

You: Ayumi! Yuma! Where are you?!

No response...

Without any other option I began to slowly creep through the dense forest. The ominous white fog only added on to the sense of dread I was feeling. The whole time I could feel eyes drilling their way into my soul. I knew I wasn't alone. The silence was deafening...


I turned on my heels just in time to see my assailant sneaking up on me!

I turned on my heels just in time to see my assailant sneaking up on me!

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You: Crap!

Before I could run, I was grabbed by the back of my jacket and hoisted up in the air! This guy was so tall he practically had me in the trees. No amount of pushing and kicking could free me from his monstrous grasp. Just when I thought it was over, Yuma ran out of the tree line with her trusty shotgun!

Yuma: Eat this, you overgrown son of a bitch!!!


Shells went flying by my face colliding with Mr. Big Guy! I was soon dropped as he stumbled back, before I knew it I was being carried again. This time by Yuma!

Yuma: You're lucky I found your dumbass!

You: Thanks!

She continued to carry me through the woods not really sure on where to go. The sound of twigs snapping and leaves crunching behind us were enough to keep us moving. All the wildlife flew by my eyes while blending together effectively making me dizzy! All the bumps and holes in the dirt didn't make it any more bearable.

You: What happened to Ayumi?!

Yuma: She's back at the cabin! That's where we're headed!

Before I could take in what all she said, the ground seemed to suddenly get steeper. Next thing I knew, we were both rolling down a hill. When we came to a stop at the bottom, I noticed some crimson liquid seeping into the ground. I traced it back to a motionless Yuma. She was bleeding from her left leg! Something sharp had managed to penetrate her skin on the fall down. This isn't good...

You: Yuma, get up!!

Yuma: ...Just run!

I glanced backwards to see the tall hulking figure from before making its way down to us! It was still too dark to make out any indistinguishable features. Just the fedora and trench coat in which he wore.

(Y/n)'s Guardian Angel [Original] ~DISCONTINUED~ Where stories live. Discover now