The Team

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for your help with my next book! I've listened to your requests (even if I didn't reply to them all) and I will do my best to incorporate as many of your details as possible. I'm happy to tell you I have already written part of it, and it will be released on January 4th, 2019. It will be called, "Kingdom In Danger"

"Did the door close because of how heavy it is, or do you think--someone else did it?" Matt asks.

"I think we're going to find out," Mark answers.

Your group wanders through the dark room. Suddenly, you hear something that makes you freeze.

"Do you hear that?" You whisper.

Everyone stops on their tracks. Indeed, you can hear faint music playing, which is slowly getting louder. You arch a brow, as you try to figure out what song it is.

"It sounds familiar," Sean says very quietly.

The song continues to get louder, and then you hear a voice singing with it.

"Just sleep. Just dream."

All eyes move to Nate. His eyes widen, recognizing the sound of his own voice, but not being the source of it.

"Just sleep, just dream. Just sleep, just dream."

Suddenly, the music picks up and the room lights up. Two of the torches light, illuminating the nightmare on front of you.

Antisepticeye is the first you see. He stands up high, on the second level of the room, smirk on his face--and fire in his hands. The flames are green. He is the reason there is light in the room at the moment. You can't move, you're too stunned.

Darkiplier appears from one of the  doorways to Anti's right, adjusting his sleeves, but looking down on you in victory. PewDIEPie glitches in next to him; you didn't even know he can do that.

Natemare saunters out from the doorway to Anti's left. He looks at you with a smug grin on his face. You feel Nate protectively move closer to you. Dark Dan materializes next to him as though the is made from pixels.

Lighting strikes behind you. You jump back, along with the others and turn around. Madpat stands there, lightning radiating from his body. He also looks taller, and maybe a little bigger all around.

"Do you like our upgrades?" Madpat sneers with an evil smile. He voice seems to echo.

You're unable to speak, so, thankfully, Mark does it for you, "We're here for a fight."

"Are you?" Madpat smiles again. "Well, you'll have to meet the rest of our team then."

Anti flicks his hands, sending a wall of green fire down. The room lights up even more as the rest of the torches are lit.

Warfstache appears in between PewDIEPie and Anti. Dr. Schneeplestein enters on the other side of Anti, next to Dark Dan. What you see next makes your blood run cold.

Another man appears in the bottom right corner, more at your level. He's on fire. He's... AblazingPhil?

"What?" Dan whispers beside you.

AmazingPhil's dark side. So that's why they're here. In the bottom left corner,  a depressed 'Daniel' appears. Dan H's dark side. Your breath catches.

"This isn't good," Felix says. The understatement of the decade.

As the music gets louder, but less understandable, two figures appear out of the large hole in the center. Tyler and Ethan. Their mouths appear stitched together, and they limp out, almost like puppets being controlled with string.

"You want a battle?" Dark's voice booms. "Then let's fight."

Just like that, the newbies come after you first. With a yelp, you dive out if the way. As Warfstache and Schneeplestein join the fight, you feel weight on your back, shoving you to the ground.

You push the thing off and roll over, but he starts fighting back. You suddenly realize you're fighting the corrupted Ethan. The messed up Tyler comes running over to help his buddy.

Even as you start to panic, an idea comes to mind. You heave Ethan's clone off of you, into Tyler's clone. They both sprawl across the floor. You grin; to you, it's the equivalent of getting a strike in bowling.

The other guys continue to battle the newer viruses. The other viruses are just standing and watching, for now. You're pulling yourself up when something catches your eye.

Warfstache has gone up and is saying something to Dark. PewDIEPie jumps down in his place. But that's not what's bothering you. A flash of long hair beside Warfstache. Who does that belong to?

The owner of the hair moves again, allowing you to see them better. Your heart practically stops beating.

You run over to Sean, who's currently battling Dr. Schneeplestein. You jump at the evil scientist and shove him out of the way. Hoping to go unnoticed, you drag Sean into a more shadowed area.

"You have to help me keep Mark from looking up," you say, breathless.

"Why?" Sean asks, as you knew he would. "What's going on?"

"I just saw Amy."

Sean's eyes go wide. "Are you serious?"

"I don't think it was the real one though," you say. "She was wearing a pink skirt, and suspenders, like Warfstache."

"Oh, that's bad," Sean says.

"Yeah, and if Mark sees her, he's going to freak out and get distracted!" You add.

Sean looks over at his friend. "I'll see what I can do."

With that, you both rush back into the fight. You run to Dan and help him fight off Daniel. Even as you focus on this, you keep an eye on Mark. Every time he glances up, where Amy's clone is, you call out to him.

"Mark! Look out!"

He whirls around, seeing Warfstache sneaking up on him. You hadn't even seen that, but it was just as well. As he pushes Warfstache off and into Something, he glances up again. You suddenly get the feeling he's already seen her.

Just then, Sean tackles him.

"What the heck?" Mark says when he sees there's no real danger.

"I thought you were a clone or something," Sean lies. "Look out!"

Sean grabs his friend and pushes him out of the way of AblazingPhil's fire burst. Mark lands on his back, facing the wall where the viruses still stand.


Oh no. He sees her. You watch him in fear of how he's going to react.

"What did you do to her?!" He yells to Madpat.

"I'm right here Mark!"

You all turn toward the voice. In the doorway, stands the real Amy. Your breath catches. Next to her, stands everybody who you had left in the room, excluding Stephanie and Void.

"What are you doing?" Nate calls, still wrestling with PewDIEPie.

"We're here to help you fight!" Signe announces.

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