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When I first decided to join Wattpad two years ago, I had no idea what to do. I just wanted to read, and have a place to write. I aspired to be one of the better authors on Wattpad, but I didn't realize just how far I'd come.

When I looked for fanfictions, I found a few good ones, but was disappointed in the rest. Bad grammar, horrible spelling, and overall weird storylines (no offense to anyone out there, this stuff just really bothers me). So I decided that I was going to write something that I wanted to read, and that turned into Virus.

As I wrote Virus, I remember watching the view count. I didn't care about votes at that point, and I remember getting excited about having three chapters (at the least), no votes, and eight views. Heck, I got excited about my first view!

As I wrote Virus, more ideas came to me, but I wasn't able to put them in. So what did I do? I wrote a sequel! That became Spreading, the second book in the series.

The same thing happened when it came time to write Infected. Of course, I was willing to cut it off at the end of Spreading, but I left it open-ended, just in case you guys wanted more. And you did. So, Infected was born, and here we are.

I know a lot of you guys are really sad about this being the last book in the series, and I am too. But "all good things must come to an end". I had always intended for this to be the last, and, unfortunately for some of you, I haven't changed my mind.

But I won't go as far as saying that I won't ever add to the series again. I might rewrite Virus, and just add some more detail and better formatting. And maybe, just maybe, somewhere along the line, I'll add another. So no promises either way.

I had never intended for it to get this far. One book was all I was planning to write; now I have twelve published, and four of those are finished.

I honestly can't believe it's over. Three books, a trilogy. I couldn't have done it without your help. I needed the feedback and the comments you so generously shared. And when writer's block became tough, I really appreciated the support.

So thank you. Thanks for the reads, the votes, the feedback. Thanks for the support and the compliments. And those of you who got your friends into this series, thank you for that too.

Despite this being the last of the Virus series, it's nowhere near the end of my writing. I have other works still, and another fanfiction on the go, as well as another original book that will be published by the end of next week. If the other books don't interest you, that's okay; I just ask that you give them a shot.

Once again, thank you for making this whole thing possible. I hope to see you guys on my other stories. 😊

-Junebug227 💖

Edit: 2020/11/03

I lied. There's another book. Reprogrammed.

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