The Code Room

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This chapter keeps unpublishing itself. I'm not sure why, but I apologize. Hopefully we'll figure out what's going on soon.

You find yourself sitting in the computer chair as the guys crowd around you. The screen, which was already lit, comes alive as you move the mouse.

"There!" Sean points. "Click 'Files'."

As you do, Dan comments, "Surely they wouldn't be so obvious."

"Well, they can be kinda stupid when they want to be," Mark says.

You ignore that as the screen changes. On the left side, is a list of names. Your names. On the right side, is the list of viruses.

"What do I do?" You ask, suddenly unsure.

"Maybe go in order," Matt suggests.

You click on the first name, which happens to be yours. A file pops up that looks similar to a page on Wikipedia. A picture of you appears on the right side. Right beneath it, is your channel icon. Underneath that, is your name, height, weight, age, and birthdate.

"(Y/n)(l/n)," Mark reads. "Mental Handicaps?"

Sean leans forward, brows furrowed. You look nervously at Matt, who interjects, "Try clicking on Void's name. Next to 'Alter Ego'."

You do as he says. A similar page opens up. The picture of Void is a smug one, showing the side of her you hadn't seen until your last encounter. Underneath her information, is the term, 'Reinstalled.' Suddenly nauseous, you click back a few times, until you're back at the list of names again.

"Hey, what do those red dashes mean?" Felix inquires.

Just now, you notice that there are indeed red dashes next to three of the names. "I don't know."

You click on one of the dashed names. Wilford Warfstache's. Mark shifts uncomfortably behind you. There are a few pictures of the 'reporter', showing his different phases over the years. In one, he wears a red and white pinstriped suit. The next shows him with longer hair, completely un-dyed, wearing a yellow shirt with pink suspenders. The third was of him now: pink hair, same outfit as the last time.

Just as you're about to click on a smaller picture, Nate tells you to scroll a little. Underneath all his information is a word, highlighted in red that says 'Offline.'

"Offline?" Felix says.

What? As the others discuss the meaning of the word, you scroll back up and click on the small picture. It looks almost nothing like Wilford. He wears a beige hat and coat. His mustache is bushy, and brown, unlike the bright pink you're used to.

"What about Anti's?" Sean asks, breaking your thoughts. "I wonder if maybe that would tell us more about what's going on?"

You click. A full picture of Anti pops up, as opposed to a headshot like the others. As you read about some of his tropes and previous accomplishments, you come across a term that read, "Postion: 2nd in command"

"Second in command?" Sean breaths in confusion.

"That goes back to what we were talking about earlier," Matt states. "Whoever's computer we're in, that's who's in charge!"

You point the mouse at another word, that lights up blue. "What does Code mean?" You ask.

Sean and Mark lean in. One glance at their faces, and you can tell that they're both just as confused as you are. And you already know that Nate, Matt, Dan, and Felix, have no clue what's even happening. Your fingers twitch, but you know you shouldn't. Curiosity gets the better of you, so you click the word.

The computer turns into a projector. Numbers and letters fly out of the screen and surround you and the guys. They separate a few of you, as they float around you.

"What did you do?" Nate asks, somewhat horrified.

"I just clicked the word: Code!" You exclaim.

Matt reaches forward, presumably to touch the numbers, when a door bursts open. The numbers and letters shoot back into the computer. The room lights up revealing a raised area of the floor...and the viruses.

"Sneaking around, are we?" Anti grins.

You stand and turn quickly, feeling a head rush. It disappears quickly, and you notice that all the viruses are there, excluding Warfstache, Schneeplestein, Natemare, and, oddly enough, the Host.

Dark gives a small smile. It hardens then disappears as he says tightly, "Get them."

The viruses moves quickly. Feeling trapped, all of you prepare to fight back. Madpat lunges at you, so you dart out of the way. You land underneath the chair. Knowing this won't keep you safe, you try to stand again, but your knees buckle. You hit the ground, and can't move. As much as you try to fight it, you feel your eyes close, and you give in to the darkness.


"(y/n)!" Your friends call for you. Sean even rushes for your body, but Anti steps in

"Ah, don't even try it!" Anti says. He kneels and lifts you up. "She's mine now."

"Let her go!" Mark calls. He presses forward; Dark holds him back.

"Take them," Anti orders. "You know where."

He turns and leaves, still carrying you. Defeated, the rest of the guys allow the other viruses to take them away. They know they have to come up with a plan.

"For someone who's not in charge, he sure knows how to give orders," Nate mutters to Matt.

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