A Weird Conversation

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You sit in the room, just wondering what was going to happen next. Now that you're thinking about it, was Dark really right? It seem as if the other guys weren't as appreciative as you would have liked, but they went through the same things, so maybe that's why.

Footsteps approach the room. You look up, unsure if you really want to know who's on their way. Your best guess was Dark. The door opens. You're wrong. It's Natemare. Oh joy, you think. Even better.

"Hey, (y/n)," he says with a grin. "How long has it been? A year? Year and a half?"

You stare. "A year and a half."

"I guess it has been a while," Natemare says as he perches on the table. "It's getting cold out isn't it?"

"What do you want, Natemare?" You ask finally.

"I just wanted to chat," he answers. "Here, let me take care of those."

You're not sure what Natemare means until he steps forward. He pulls out a knife and slices the ropes off of your arms. You become confused and don't move as he moves to cut the ropes around your legs. He stands again and you watch him carefully, waiting for his next move.

"Why?" You ask slowly.

Natemare shrugs. "I don't want you to feel trapped."

"Yet you won't let me leave," you protest.

"Look, I'm going to let you in on a little secret." Natemare glances uneasily out the door, then shuts it. He brings a chair over and sits so that he's level with you. "Anti and Dark are the ones behind all of this. You know that, you were there when they began to attack."

You fold your arms as he continues, "They're the ones controlling everything. I don't want you to be trapped here. But I also can't let you go. At the same time, I don't really want you to leave."

You're taken back by this. "Um, so let me make sure I understand. You don't want to keep me here against my will, but you're also not willing to release me. Even if we can do it without Dark or Anti finding out?"

"I don't think that's possible," Natemare says. "Also, it's not that I wouldn't let you go if I had the choice. It's that I'm not allowed to. I don't have a choice. If you were to stay, I'd want you to be here freely."

You mull it over. But there's still something bothering you. "Why do you care if I stay freely or not? And what makes you think I would want to?"

For a moment, Natemare actually appears hurt. "(Y/n), I care about you," he says. "I know that's hard to believe given how much we've fought in the past..."

"You tried to kill us," you retaliate.

Natemare holds up a finger. "But so did you. Face it, (y/n) we're more alike than you think. And before you say otherwise, I need you to really think about what I'm trying to tell you."

He puts his hand on your cheek. When you realize what he's doing, you quickly pull away.

"No, Natemare! I can't do this again," you protest as you get up from the chair. "I can't."

Natemare watches you for a minute. He stands. "I don't want to pressure you. But you have to consider what I'm asking. Even if you aren't with me--" he pauses and takes a breath "--just think about it."

After he says this, Natemare opens the door, then leaves. You cross your arms and ponder what he was saying. Then you look at the closed door. You hadn't heard the familiar click of a lock. An idea comes to mind. Slowly, you make your way over to the door. You twist the knob and, to your surprise, the door opens. After carefully looking down the hall, you make your escape.


Mark drops to the floor. Dust and dirt flies around him in a cloud, making him cough. PewDIEpie chains his ankle to the wall. Mark clutches his side as the virus leaves. He looks around and realizes that he's not sure where he is. He appears to be in a cell. The walls are a dingy brown colour. There is no window, but there are bars on the door, so he can see down the hall a little.

Mark examines the blood on his hand. PewDIEpie really knows how to hurt someone. His side aches and his head hurts from everything that had been done to him. Mark's vision begins to go blurry. As he blacks out he can't help but wonder, if PewDIEpie had been that hard on him, what about the rest of you? He doesn't even want to think about what Anti and Dark are up to.

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