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The viruses drag the men down the hall. All except Anti, Warfstache, Natemare, and Schneeplestein. The guys are seated in what looks like a doctor's waiting room. Void paces in front. Madpat stands near her, arms crossed. The other viruses tie up the guys. All except Mark. Dark removes him from the room.

"Where's he going?" Matt asks.

"That doesn't matter right now," Void says in a cold voice.

"You should be more worried about what's going on there." Madpat points to a screen.

The screen is green and a low quality video plays. Anti is displayed on the screen. Sean fumes as he watches Anti strap you to a table.

"What's he doing?" Nate asks quietly.

As they watch Anti leave the room, the screen glitches a little, but the image doesn't change. Then all they can see is you laying on the table, still unconscious.

"Dark, seriously, let me go!" Mark barely finishes saying that as Dark shoves him into a chair. He looks down at the handcuffs that restrain him. He can still see Dark, who is wandering over to a tray of tools, but not a lot else in the room. In fact, it's almost as if there is nothing in the room, but the lighting is not dim.

"Oh, Mark. When are you ever going to learn?" Dark's voice jerks him back to reality.

"What am I supposed to be learning?" Mark asks. "How to avoid getting kidnapped by people inside my computer?"

Dark laughs. "Well, when you put it that way, it makes you sound insane." He places his hands around his back and begins to wander around Mark.

"It doesn't matter," Mark argues. "The people I care about believe me."

"Who? Amy?" Dark mocks. Mark squirms. "Tyler? Or maybe Ethan and Kathryn?"

"Hey, they actually understood when I explained it to them." Mark protests.

"Did they understand, or do they just care about you enough to not report you?" Dark asks. That hits Mark hard. It gets even heavier as Dark adds, "I'm almost certain that they're just trying to make sure you don't find yourself locked up in an asylum."

Mark hesitates before replying, "I-I don't think that's what--"

"And when you said the people you care about-" Dark stops and faces him, "-were you excluding your fans?"

Mark freezes. Dark smiles when he struggles to come up with an answer.

"Face it, my friend, you're don't care the way you say you do," He continues.

"First off, that's not true. Secondly--"

"Oh, Mark, I think it is true," Dark turns back to him, with what appears to be a cane in his hands. Mark's stomach churns. "Why haven't you told them what's really going on?"

Mark doesn't answer. He knows no one would believe him unless they were there or if they had actually seen it. The only reason he had even tried to explain it to his team was the fact that they were adamant on getting an answer. Maybe he would have explained it to Amy when they were alone, but he wasn't sure about the others.

Mark had known that they didn't believe him. And he had known he would be called out if he attempted to explain it to the fans. It was too much. So much that he told his subscribers that he had caught some sort of flu. The year before he had said he took and unexpected vacation.

"You didn't want to look like a liar," Dark's voice rings through his thoughts. "So, what did you do? Instead of telling them the crazy truth, you went for something more believable. You lied to them."

"I didn't mean to!" Mark wails. "I didn't want to--" he puts his head in his hands and covers his face.

"Do you think you would have done the same thing, maybe three or four years ago?" Dark taunts. "No, I don't think you would have. The numbers have changed you. They got to your head."

"I just wanted to protect them!"

"And is this the way to do that?" Dark says. "Why don't you just go back to the way you were?"

Mark looks up. Dark steps forward, and his form changes. He shifts to what Mark had looked like the first time Darkiplier had made his appearance on the channel. The cane changes into a baseball bat. For a brief moment, he looked like the Host's original form; like the author from Danger in Fiction. Mark lets his jaw drop.

Just as suddenly as he had changed, Dark changed back. "Lying to your subscribers is something I would do," he says. He raises his voice, "You're becoming just like us!"

With that, Mark sees Wilford stepping forward towards him. The Host appears to the left of Mark and also takes a few steps forward. Google even glitches in front of him for a quick moment. A ringing sounds and stings his ears. Then, everything stopped. When Mark looks up again, it's only him and Dark in the room.

Dark mutters, so low Mark barely hears him, "Why can't I break you?"
Hey guys! Some of you may have seen this in another book, but I just thought I'd let you know that I've relased a new book, called 'Recruited.' It's not a fanfiction, but I'm really excited about it! I was also thinking about publishing a Q&A book. If you guys have any questions about me or my books, I could answer them there. Thanks again for the feedback on everything I've been doing.

-Junebug227 💖 💖

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