Your Turn

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The timer starts ticking down from five minutes. You hope that you and Mark will both be able to get this bomb disarmed. Panic begins to rise in your chest, and you're having a hard time thinking.

"Ok, (y/n) what's the first module?" Mark asks, bringing you out of your trance.

"Uhh, let's do wires," you suggest. "There are six."

"Okay." Mark find that page in the manual. "How many?"

Sean face-palms.

"Six," you answer impatiently. "Pay attention!"

"Sorry," Mark says. "What are the colours?"

"One yellow, two white, and three blue." You chomp down on a fingernail.

"Cut the first wire."

You wince as you pick up the pliers and snip the wire. Relief fills you as the green light turns on.

"Okay, next module."

"How many more are there?" Mark asks.

You pick up the bomb and flip it over.

"You better pick it up," Matt suggests. "You have just under four minutes."

"Okay, the next module is this little chart thingy," you say. "There's two columns, and three rows on each. There's also the word, 'Yes' above the chart."

"Uhh," Mark says as he leafs through the manual. "Okay, I think I'm there."

The loud beeping returns, startling and distracting you. You quickly slam the snooze button, in hopes that it wouldn't turn on again.

"What do I do?" You say.

"This... Is confusing," Mark adds. "Tell me the second button on the left says."

You glance at the button. ""It says 'ready'."

"Ok, I'm going to list off a series of words, whichever one I say first that corresponds with one of the buttons, press that one," Mark explains.

"Um, ok," you say. "You're right this is confusing!"

Yeah, here are the words." Mark starts listing: 'yes.' 'okay.' 'what.' "

" 'What' is there," you interrupt.

You press the button in the. The panel disappears and a new one takes its place. A green light blinks on, indicating your success.

"We have to do this four times?!" You say, looking at the number of unlit lights.

"Keep going!" Sean says as time ticks down.

"The word is 'reed'," you say.

"Spell it," Mark instructs. "They're homophones."

You spell it, and he continues, "What's the bottom left button?"

You look. "The letter 'U'."

" The possibilities are: 'uh-huh', 'sure'..."

" 'Sure' works," you say, pressing the button. "Next word is 'no'. As in N-O."

"Three minutes," Nate says. It's time to buckle down and focus.

"Bottom right," Mark orders.

" 'Like' ," you say.

" 'You're'--with an apostrophe--'next,' the letter 'U', the letters 'U' and 'R', 'hold,' 'done...'

"Done. It was 'done," you say. "Last one is the letter 'C'. "

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