The Key

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All the guys go through the openings that the rooms have made for them. They're brought to a smaller room that is shaped like a hexagon.

"Yes!" Dan cheers.

"Nice work everyone," Nate says.

"I really thought we were gonna die," Mark says and clutches his chest. "So relieved."

"Uh, where's (Y/n)?" Matt asks, realizing that you're not there.

They look around, seeing no trace of you. Sean looks over his shoulder.

"Her door didn't open," he observes.

"I'm sure I heard it though!" Felix says.

The guys race over and start banging on the door, trying to either break it down, or at least get your attention.

Your wall did open, but not to where everyone else is. The room you're in now is only mirrors. You can see yourself from every angle, and you're not quite sure how to feel about that.

"Enjoying the view?"

You jerk to the left and see a familiar figure. Wilford Warfstache.

"What are you doing here?!" You ask instead of answering his question.

"Well, that's no way to greet an old friend," Wilford says as he walks toward you.

"Stay away from me." You step back. "How did you get in here?"

"Same as you, dear," Wilford answered.

"Wh-- that doesn't make any sense," you say.

"Maybe not, but some of the greatest things never do," Wilford says.

You furrow your brow as the lights begin to dim around you. "Why are you here?"

"You sure have a lot of questions for a prisoner," Wilford remarks.

"I think you're forgetting that we just completed a huge challenge, that could have killed us," you argue. "We're a lot stronger than you think."

"I wasn't talking about 'we' or 'us'," Wilford puts both of those in quotes, "I was talking about you."

You glance down, not wanting to give him the upper hand, but also not wanting him to see the slight fear in your eyes.

"Listen, my dear, you're not like the other victims I've had," Wilford continues. "You're also not like Mark, or any of the other men for that matter."

"Of course I'm not," you say. "For starters, I'm a girl, so there's that. Also, everyone seems to think I'm so special, even though I can't get out of this stupid place!"

You have more to say but are silenced by Wilford's finger against your lips.

"Are we able to have a grown-up conversation now?" He asks. "No yelling?"

He removes his finger as you nod. You can't lash out, not here. Not when he's in control.

"Good," he says. "Now, as I was going to say, you're not like the other guys, in the sense that you haven't lost hope."

You arch your eyebrow in confusion, but keep quiet. You want to see where he's going with this.

"Most of the guys lost hope when they came here. They didn't see how they would get out," Wilford continues. "Sean lost it when his beloved was taken, and Mark was nearly driven to suicide. But not you."

He turns and watches you for a moment. This isn't the Warfstache you thought you knew. He isn't acting insane the way you thought he would.

"The only reason any of the men are even trying to get out is because you wouldn't let them give up," Wilford says. "I won't insult you by asking if you've changed your mind about joining us."

"My answer to that is the same it's always been," you say defiantly.

"And that is...?" Wilford urges you to continue.

You stare for a moment. "N-no." Maybe this is the Warfstache you knew.

"Hmm, what a shame," he says. "Well, in that case, I have no choice but to give you what you deserve!"

Wilford reaches into his pocket and feels around for something. You take a step back and raise your hands in defense, in case he tries to hurt you.

In a moment, he thrusts his arm forward. You close your eyes and prepare to hurt. But nothing happens. When you open your eyes, you see that he is holding his hand out.

A golden key rests in his palm. In what little light there is, it sparkles. A pearl sits in the the head of the key, and a few jewels line it. You look back at Wilford, confusion in your eyes.

"This is the Key To The Glittering Hoard," Wilford says. "It is now yours."

"I-I don't understand," you say.

"You destroyed the bombs that were meant to kill you," Wilford explains. "If that amount of stress wasn't enough to bring you to our side, nothing will make you join us."

You silently take to the key as he continues, "That key can open a door, but I won't tell you which. That is for you to decide."

As you study the key, you notice the room beginning to spin around you. You look up as wind starts to blow. Wilford is gone. Within only a few seconds, the spinning and the wind abruptly stop.

People are calling your name. When you get your bearings, you turn to the source. You see all the guys watching you.

"You okay?" Felix asks.

You nod, still too confused to speak.

"What's that?" Dan asks, pointing to your hands.

You look down and remember the key. "It's--the Key To The Glittering Hoard."

"Which is...?" Nate prompts you to continue.

"I don't know," you admit, continuing to study it. "He said I could unlock something, but he wouldn't tell me what it was."

"Another blessing wrapped in a curse," Mark says, crossing his arms.

"How are we supposed to figure this out?" Sean asks. "We've done this who know how many times. You'd think we would have figured out their tricks by now."

"I might have an idea," a small voice says.

You all turn toward Matt, who continues, "I have an idea, but you have to trust me."

You look at the other guys, who look back at you, unsure of how to react. Knowing that his idea is better than nothing, you take a big breath, and nod.

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