Taken Together

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You sit on the bed in the guest room that you're staying in. The sun is beginning to set as you try to upload a video from your tablet. The video is nearly uploaded, when suddenly you hear a high ring emit from your tablet. The screen goes blue.

As soon as this happens, laughter shoots through Mark's house. You've heard this laugh before--it still sends chills down your back. But that's not what causes you to jump into action. You hear Mark yell, as if in pain. You jump off the bed and dash to the door.

You get the door open, and stop with a yell. The hallway is gone. Beneath you, is a long drop into what appears to be a bottomless pit. Green, blue, and purple swirl and combine to form a black hole.

Trying to catch your breath, you jump back into the room. As you collapse on the floor, you try to close the door and hold it shut. The laughter becomes louder and more distorted, until it seems to enter your room. What you hear next, terrifies you.

"WhEN wiLL You leARN, ThaT YOU CaN'T gEt RiD of US?!" Sean's voice screams at you. But you know by the way it glitches, that it isn't Sean.


You gasp and sit up with a start. You're in the living room, on the couch. It's dark out. There is a blanket draped over you. Felix is asleep on the other end of the couch. Dan is snoozing on the love seat across the room. The TV has been turned off. Two lamps are on, but no main lights.

I must have fallen asleep, you think.

You get up off of the couch and stretch a little, trying not to make too much noise. You don't want to wake Dan or Felix. As you wander to your room, you notice that Mark's door is closed. He can't be asleep, the light is still on. You glance at your watch. It's 3 o'clock in the morning. You go to knock, to see if he's okay, when you see something else.

Mark's recording room. There's a computer in there. But that's not what gets your attention. It's who's in the room tbat catches your eye. Sean. He lies unconscious on the floor. You gasp and rush to his side.

"Sean!" You call his name, not caring if you wake anyone up.

The door to the room slams. You whirl around and see green smoke beginning to fill the room. Not again.

"(Y/n)!" Dan and Felix pound on the door. "What's going on?!"

You let yourself sink to the ground, unable to speak. Panic sets in.

"I'm getting Mark!" You hear Felix yell as Dan continues to try to open the door.

Mark lays in bed. He had left his light on again. He had been doing that for the past month, in an effort to keep Dark away. Now he knows it doesn't matter. And it never did.

Felix smacks at the door. "Mark! Mark, open up."

Mark stares at the ceiling. Just before he heard Felix, he heard someone else. Footsteps enter the room from a different area. Mark is glad that he had previously told Amy to take Chica while they were filming. Someone else is in his room.

"Hello, darkness, my old friend," he says to the ceiling. He ignores Felix at the door.

"Now, Mark," the man says. "You know that's not my full name."

"Just don't hurt them." Mark closes his eyes as Felix continues to yell for him. "Please."

The man gives a deep chuckle. "I make no promises."


You open your eyes but see nothing. A blindfold is obstructing your vision. Your arms are bound to the arms of a chair. Your legs are tied together as well. The air is cold. You shiver, before trying to get out of the restraints. As you do this, a grunt of frustration escapes.

"Who's there?" A voice behind you says.

You freeze before answering, "Nate?"

"(Y/n)?" Someone else says. Matt.

"Wait, how many of us are here?" Felix asks.

"My guess is seven," Mark replies. "Dan? Sean? Are you guys here too?"

"I'm here, but I can't see," Dan says.

"Is everyone else tied up?" You ask.

Several people said 'yes.' And that's when you knew.

"How amusing..." says a different voice.

There is a silence. "Was that you, Sean?" Felix inquires.

"No," Sean answers. "That wasn't me."


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