"Medical" Procedures

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You stare and reluctantly take the hand that is extended to you. You wish that you had been a bit more careful. The Host hadn't hurt you, but you're almost certain that this man will.

Wilford Warfstache.

"What are you doing, on your own, wandering around?" He asks, still not letting go of your hand.

For some reason, you struggle to find an answer. Wilford makes you much more nervous than the host. Maybe that's because you know he's practically a serial killer.

"What's the matter?" Wilford questions. "Cat got your tongue?"

"I-I was-just--" you stutter, but can't seem to force out an explanation.

"Interesting young girl, aren't you?" He comments. "First, you wander around, all brave and sure of yourself, and now you can't even speak to me. It's a little rude, in my opinion."

You're finally able to get the words out. "You think this is rude? Have you seen what they've done to me?"

Wilford opens his mouth to answer, but stops when he sees something behind you. You've already spotted the shadow on the wall.

"Oh, so you've met our little prisoner, huh Wil?"

You close your eyes, recognizing the voice. The one and only Antisepticeye. Wilford releases your arm, and you reluctantly turn to face him, and his wrath. However, Anti doesn't look angry. Instead, he crosses his arms and smirks.

"Aw, look at you," He says in a falsely sweet voice. "Three and a half years, and you're still just as naïve as you were back then." You don't answer as he continues, "Did you really think that you could just go about your business and we wouldn't catch you?"

Anti steps toward you. You try to take a step back, but suddenly Wilford is right behind you, closer than before. You look in front of you and Anti is now quite close to your face.

"Strange," he says. "It's almost as if you've never met us. I would have thought you would be smarter than this."

"So did I," you whisper, realizing he has a point.

"Wilford what's the status on Schneeplestein?" Anti asks, taking a step away from you. His focus switches to Wilford, who now has a grip on both your arms.

"I believe that he's just finishing the lab prep with the scientist," Wilford answers.

"Perfect," Anti replies, looking towards you again. "Take her there. They'll know what to do."

You don't like the sound of that. But before you can do anything, Anti turns and leaves, while Wilford drags you in the opposite direction. As he leads you to the lab, you decide to try to reason with him.

"Wilford, please," you beg. "You don't have to--"

"I'm so sorry madam," he cuts you off, "but this is what they want."

Wilford brings you into a lab, which looks more like an operating room with chemicals lined along the wall. There is a chair in the middle which resembles a dentist's chair. A few metal tables sat beside the chair. Dr. Schneeplestein is putting on gloves and Madpat is loading something into a needle.

"Don't think this is a little redundant?" You ask as Wilford leads you to the chair. "This happens every time. I get caught, interrogated, then I somehow escape. After that I'm caught, then tortured." Wilford forces you to sit as you continue, "It's a little repetitive, if you ask me."

"Well, it's less repetative for us, because we haven't done this before," Madpat smirks.

Wilford binds your arms and legs to the chair, then says, "I'll leave the three of you alone."

Your stomach sinks. You don't know if you're glad Wilford is gone, or if your nervous about what the two "medical professionals" are about to do. Dr. Schneeplestein walks over to you with a metal tray. His smile is soon concealed as he places his blue surgical mask over his face. Madpat turns and he too is wearing a mask. His looks a little different; it is white and circular.

"Don't worry, Miss (l/n)," Schneeplestein says. He leans the chair back so that you're lying horizontally. "This will only hurt a little."

They place an oxygen tube at your nose. You flinch and let out a yelp of pain as Matpat inserts an IV. You feel something being wrapped around your finger. A quick glance tells you that Schneeplestein is hooking you up to a heart rate monitor.

You flinch again. Matpat is taking some blood samples. You want to squirm, but you're worried that you might mess with the needles and hurt yourself more.

The two of them start taking measurements of you. Waist, height, head size. You have no idea what they're trying to do, but you're best guess is that they're trying to get as much information about you as they can. And that makes you nervous.

Schneeplestein makes an interested noise. "Hm. (Y/n), I notice that you have a small number of scars, and an especially large one on your left thigh." He looks at you. "Where did they come from?"

You glare at him. All you can see are his eyes above his mask. They have an evil glint, yet they are also genuinely curious, so you decide to answer:

"You can ask your boss about those."

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