Into The Snow

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Anti stumbles back, once again, holding his face. He smiles, as blood drips from his nose.

"Oh, you're a manipulative little witch, aren't ya?"

You don't get the chance to respond. Anti attacks you again, this time showing very little mercy. You do your best to fight him off, but it's starting to take a toll on you. You're having a hard time against him now.

As Anti shoves you to the ground and you continue to fight, a battle rages below you. Mark finally gives Natemare the beating he deserves, while Sean and Nate continue fighting Dark, who is still giving them a good fight.

Sean glances up to the platform to check on you, just as Anti throws you down. He wants to aid you, but Dark has him by the shoulders and is still managing to avoid Nate's attacks.

"Help her!" Sean calls to Mark.

With little hesitation, Mark rushes up the steps to where you are. He just makes it to the top when Anti lifts you up by the throat. You don't even see Mark. Your feet dangle above the ground, but you kick anyway.

"I'm not letting you beat us again," Anti says.

With that, you feel yourself hurtling through the hole in the glass window. The temperature around you changes, getting colder and colder as you hit the snow covered ground. Since the castle is on a mountain, there is a lot farther to fall, and you tumble even after you land.

The snowstorm rages around you. You can barely see the castle through the snow anymore. Your bare arms freeze as you try to force yourself to stand. But the wind is too strong, causing you to lose your balance and slide down the mountain even more.

Mark attacks Anti even after he had thrown you. Anti pushes him aside, then sees Amy and Ken running after him as well. At his first opportunity, Anti jumps out the window after you, eager to finally finish the job.

He lands a few feet away from you, somehow able to stand up straight and still. You're still struggling to get up. Your teeth chatter as you try to stand, but your head begins to pound as your injuries catch up with you. You look up to Anti, barely able to see his form as it gets darker outside.

"Look at you," Anti sneers. "You're pathetic. Not even able to stand up properly. What were you thinking, coming after me?"

You put weight on your left arm, trying to brace yourself, only to have it collapse under you. The snow tumbles and you begin sliding again. Anti steps towards you, suddenly changing your mind about getting back up.

"Your mind is stronger than you are," Anti continues. "You keep thinking you can do things, but your body just won't listen. You will yourself to keep going, but look at you. When will you learn?"

You look up at him again, seeing his green eyes glow through the snow. You're finally starting to feel defeated, for real this time. You try to stand once more, but the ground gives away beneath you.

As you struggle to stay where you are, Anti just smirks at you. The only warmth on your body is the blood

"Maybe now you'll be able to face reality."

You brace yourself for the punch, but Anti collapses instead. He lands on top of you. You gasp and shove him off. He rolls to the side and grabs his chest.

Sitting up, he glares at you, all while clutching his shirt. "What did you do?!"

You sputter for an answer, when you feel something latch onto your shirt. Before you can react, something pulls you away so quickly that you don't even have time to think before your feet got solid ground again. You look to the left, trying to figure out what had happened.

"Are you okay?"

You see Mark standing there, some sort of gun in hand. "I'm fine, just, really cold," you say. "What do you have?"

Mark shows you the gun. "It's a grappling hook. I didn't know how else to get to you without jumping after you so..."

He is cut off by Anti jumping back through the window. You hear a grunt and something hits your leg. You turn and see Sean sprawled on the floor. Dark approaches from the left and tosses Nate on the floor behind you.

Natemare steps up from the right holding on to Matt. Madpat appears behind Dark. Chills travel up your back as you feel the wind blowing through the broken window. It suddenly occurs to you that the others are still fighting form below.

"It was a good attempt," Natemare starts, "but, once again, it wasn't good enough."

"And bringing your friends into this?" Madpat laughs. "Irresponsible. Look at them fighting your battles for you."

You feel a twinge of guilt, even as Mark protests, "You're the ones who brought them here!"

"And you let them out," Dark says.

"Uh, Sir?"

You turn and look at Anti, who sounds much weaker than usual. He looks weaker too. Suddenly unable to stand up straight, Anti also has dark rings under his eyes.

"What's with--you?" Natemare asks.

You look back at him, wondering why he had paused. You notice that his face is shiny with sweat. Matt wiggles out of his grasp.

"What is the matter with you two?!" Madpat yells.

But you know what's up. You look at the others, who also have knowing expressions on their faces. Void.

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