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Wilford Warfstache stands in front of a counter. In his hands, is a little golden gun, which he is polishing. He remembers the last time he used it. The memory was blurry, but the victims' screams still ring loudly in his ears. He smiles, but it fades quickly. How come no one else understands that it was only a joke?

He reminisces about the first few murders he committed. All of them in the same house, all within the span of a few days. He would never forget the grief he felt. Standing over the final body, Wilford remembers staring the into the lifeless face. He remembers the tears he shed, the cold temperature of the room, the deafening silence. But none of that seemed to matter. The murders didn't matter. What's most memorable, is that the body he killed, only hours before, got back up.

That had to mean something. Death couldn't be as permanent as they said. Death has to be a cruel prank, it just has to. What other explanation could there be? Dead bodies couldn't just get up on their own...could they?

Nate puts his hand in front of Matt, stopping him before he walks into Schneeplestein's line of sight. The two of them back away and crouch against a wall, in an effort to not be seen. Fortunately, the doctor is preoccupied and walks right past them. Matt releases a breath, and stands again with Nate right beside him.

"That was too close," Matt says. He turns to his friend. "Thanks."

"No problem," Nate replies, peering around the corner. Seeing no one, the two continue through the hallway maze, trying to find anyone else who can help them.

"So, what exactly happened to you?" Nate asks.

Matt pauses and thinks back to what had happened. "They were playing me," he begins. "They gave me mind games, brain teasers. Some easy, some hard. Some I had heard before. Then I realized-" he looked Nate in the eye "-they were testing my brain. They wrote down when I answered correctly, and when I didn't. So, I stopped answering right. Even the ones I knew, I purposely gave the wrong answers."

"Why?" Nate asks.

"Because if they realize how smart I really am, they might hit me with more. They'll be more careful around me," Matt replies. "I already showed them last time that I can beat their system. I've proved myself already. I have to make them think that that was my limit."

Nate thinks for a minute. "Do you think they know you were faking it?"

"I don't know," Matt answers, "but I have to try."

The two continue on in silence, occasionally needing to hide from a few of their enemies. They're more careful now. The farther they go, more anxious they become. They had no idea what might jump out at them. As they enter another section of the building, Matt takes notice of how the scenery changes around them.

The walls are now a dark grey metal, with a slight blue tint. The doors begin to change from wood to solid metal. The two begin to feel more nervous as the atmosphere starts to become more eerie. Nate feels goosebumps as Matt shivers. Neither are aware of whether they are really cold, or just on edge.

Suddenly, Matt grabs Nate by the arm. "Look at this door." Nate walks closer as Matt continues, "The handle's different. And there's a window up top, clearly obstructed from the other side.

Nate gives Matt an amused glance. "You are way too good at your job," he snickers.

Matt just makes a face. "I think we need to figure out what's behind this door."

"How?" Nate asks. "It's not like we can break it down--" he tries the handle, "-and it's locked."

As if on cue, footsteps begin to approach from around the corner. Nate and Matt share alarmed expressions, before tucking themselves into the shadows--their only hiding place. 'Dark Danny' walks into view. His black and white colour code makes him look even more sinister as he studies the sheets of paper in his hands.

Matt glances across the hall at Nate, and nods. Just after Danny walks past them, they emerge into the light. Matt tackles him and Nate grabs the papers. The virus fights against them, but as he does, Nate discovers a key ring on his waist. He grabs the ring and kicks the virus in the head. He suddenly goes limp.

Matt gets up from off the ground. Danny's head is scraped a bit. "Even his blood is black," Matt comments. He turns back to Nate and nods at the papers. "What's on those papers?"

"Uh--" Nate glances at them, but something catches his eye. "They're medical records. For (y/n)."

"What?" Matt steps closer and peers over Nate's shoulder. He sees the date and time printed on them. "These are from a test performed three hours ago!"

Nate reviews them, "Physical Handicaps: nothing new. But check this out--Mental Handicaps: Paranoia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Nate looks at Matt, who shares his concerned expression.

"I didn't know she had that," Matt remarks. "Either of them."

Nate continues to read the papers. " 'The "patient" became agitated while under anesthetic, and, as a result, was required to be sedated.' Do you think she's conscious now?"

"I guess we're about to find out," Matt says. He points to the number next to the name. "Patient #1629."

Matt then points to the door they had just been trying a few minutes before. On the doorframe, was a panel, which read, "1629." The two run toward the door, and Nate pulls out the keys. As quickly as they can, they manage to get the door open.

You jump back to the corner of your bed. Two shadows are at your door. They enter, causing your heart rate to speed up more than usual. You relax a little when you see that it's Nate and Matt.

"How did you guys get here?" You ask.

Nate glances out the door. "It's a bit of a long story."

"(Y/n)," Matt says, "did you know about these?" He holds out a stack of papers.

"What are they?" You question, taking the papers and reading them over.

"Medical results," Nate answers. "Assumed to be from Schneeplestein and Madpat."

You're shocked. Nate's right. The top of the page reads the two doctors names. The rest begins to disappear in a blur of your own tears.

"You weren't supposed to know about these yet," you say, voice trembling like a leaf.

The two guys exchange looks. Nate pushes the door until it is barely open; Matt sits on the bed.

"(Y/n), you don't have to be ashamed of this," Nate says. He leans so he can see out the door, but still pay attention to you.

"These 'mental handicaps' haven't even really stopped you," Matt puts in. "I mean, not that we've noticed."

"I've been trying to keep it away," you admit, "but I guess I couldn't hide it forever."

"You shouldn't have to," Nate says.

You look at the pages again. "Where did you get these?"

Nate peeks out the door as Matt answers, "Another long story."

"Do you think we could find some more?" You inquire.

Matt looks toward Nate. "I don't see why not," Nate replies. "We just have to find them."

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