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Madpat locks his eyes with yours. "What did you do?!" He yells, taking the few steps left between you and him.

"I didn't do anything," you say, holding the gaze. "After all, I'm here with you guys. What could I have done?"

Madpat looks around the group again. An expression of realization crosses Dark's face as he looks at Anti. The two of them shove your group out of the way and run to the edge of the platform.

They look at each other again. "Void."

"I'll kill her," Dark says. He runs down the stairs.

"No!" You shout.

Mark and Matt are one step ahead of you. They take off after him but are stopped by Madpat and a suddenly weak Natemare. Anti reaches out and grabs Sean so that he can't run after him.

You dash away from the group before anyone has a chance to get a hold of you. You take a few steps down then jump over the ledge. Dark is already at the doorway. Clearly, Void hasn't gotten to his code yet.

Racing through the crowd, who is still battling, you make it to the door as Dark runs down the hallway. He knows what's going on now, but that's not going to stop you from doing everything in your power to make sure he doesn't find Void and Stephanie.

Dark runs for the Code Room, but thankfully, you're too quick. You jump onto his back and start pulling him backwards, away from the doors.

"I'm not going to let you ruin this again!" Dark yells to you.

"And I'm not going to let you have Mark's channel, or his life!" You say.

Somebody bursts through the doors to the room you had just been in. Praying that it's not another virus trying to stop you, you sneak a glance behind you. When you see Tyler and Ethan running to help, you sigh in relief.

You let Dark throw you off of him as Tyler and Ethan take their turn to attack. Seeing that they had it handled for now, you rush into the Code Room to check on Void.

You pause after entering the room. Glowing numbers float all around you, obviously in some sort of sequence. You very slowly make your way to the railing; you don't want to disturb whatever is going on.

Peering over the edge, you see Void manipulating and poking at the numbers. Steph is doing the same thing, but not nearly as fast. As if she realizes she's being watched, Void looks up.

"Don't let them get in, but don't touch anything!" She warns.

You nod, then say, "Dark's out there, but Tyler and Ethan are holding him off."

"Get everyone back into the big room. I'm almost done!" Void calls.

You rush out into the hallway and see that Tyler and Ethan have actually made some progress. Dark is pretty much at the doors to the room you had all been in. You notice that he appears to be getting weaker. Running over to them, you help give Dark the final shove into the room.

Once you're inside, you see that, while the viruses are starting to power down, so is everybody else. You start to feel guilty that they all feel the need to help, but they're doing great.


You look up and see Anti with a black eye. Apparently, he's the only one who isn't being restrained. He jumps down from the platform, even though he isn't able to jump as far. Suddenly, Dark is right in front of you as well.

"If we're going down, you're coming with us," Dark says, grabbing you by the arm.

Suddenly, Anti yells out in a garbled voice. Using that as a diversion, you push them away into the middle of the room. The new viruses begin to glow.

"No!" Natemare yells when he sees what's going on.

It takes you a minute to realize it, but when you do, excitement begins to rise in your chest. You've all done it. And Void has finally decoded the viruses.

The newest viruses, including AblazingPhil and the fake Amy, freeze in their steps. They suddenly explode into the familiar blue pixels you've seen before.

"What the heck?" Ethan yells.

"Oh my--" Phil starts, but can't finish due to shock.

"It's fine, don't worry," Matt reassures them as he runs down the stairs.

Dark and Anti try to get up, but fail again. The others bring a now tied-up Natemare down and put him in the middle of the room with Anti and Dark. Ken and Dan H bring over PewDIEpie, and Robin and Dan bring in DannyDarko.

"If you think we're just going to go without a fight, you're dead wrong!" Anti jumps up to grab Sean, but he's too late.

His transformation is slower than those before him, but it's enough to stop him from hurting anyone. The viruses collapses and disintegrates into pixels before. DannyDarko and PewDIEPie look on in confusion.

"No!" Dark and Natemare yell together.

They also try to get up, but you step back and watch them suffer the same fate as Anti. Dark reaches out for Mark as he disappears. The other two just look at each other, then close their eyes as they accept what's happening.

Everyone in your now-large group looks on in shock. They sit in a stunned silence for a few moments.

"Oh my gosh," Jemma says in awe.

Suddenly, you hear something from above you. You look up to see Madpat running for the ledge of the balcony. His eyes are very angry. He jumps toward you with his fingers extended like claws.

You raise your arms in defense, but you can't deny the fear that races through you in the moment. However, Madpat doesn't reach you. Instead, as he's flying toward you, he turns into his pixels. The little blue squares hit you instead of him and they don't hurt that much. You watch as they hit the ground, then disappear.

"Is that everyone?" Matt asks, almost in disbelief.

You nod. "That's everyone."

The group begins to cheer as you sink to the ground with tears in your eyes. You did it. You all did. The viruses are gone.

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