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"I'm about to leave..." Toni said grabbing her blouse to put on.

"When am I going to see you again?" Kenny asked walking towards Toni. He wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her neck, admiring her in just her underwear.

"I should be asking you that. You're always busy, and you hardly have time for me." Toni said pecking his lips. He moved away from her to put a pair of boxers on.

Toni buttoned her blouse up before slipping on her jean. "You know I always make time for you bebe." He replied.

"You always too busy for me. You hardly answer my calls yet you always popping up." Kenny said with a smirk.

"That's my speciality." She said with a smile.

"I'm not complaining though." Smacking her butt causing her to squeal.

He slipped on some gym shorts and watched Toni put her shoes on.

"You have time for a quick breakfast?" He questioned watching Toni pick her bag up.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm already behind schedule." Nodding in understatement he proceeded to his large kitchen.

Toni made sure all her electronics and her ear piece was in her bag, purposely leaving some of her clothes behind.

"Babe!" Toni called out while walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He answered. "I'm leavi-"

"I want to see you tonight." Kenny demanded.

"Mmm... are you asking me or telling me?" She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I don't ask. I'll be seeing you tonight at 10:30." He let her know before kissing her deeply. There she felt it again, those damn butterflies.

Pulling away from the kiss just to peck his lips again. Toni dropped her arms from his neck.

"I have to get going. I'll see you tonight daddy..." Toni said with a smirk before leaving.

Toni took a deep breathe before walking into the boardroom. Opening the door she found Gail, Owen and Omar seated waiting for her.

"You're late-"

"Did you get it?" Omar asked referring to the folder that withheld all the shipments coming in and going out.

"I couldn't..." Toni said with a sigh causing Omar to hit his fist on the table.

"Dammit Toni! How long will it take?" Omar asked in annoyance.

"Take it easy Omar geez." Gail said getting up to make coffee. They were going to need it.

"Its hard okay... he keeps his home office locked with a high tech security system. Me getting in there. That shit is highly impossible okay." Toni said aggravated at this whole operation already.

"We need that folder Toni, it would help a lot." Owen said sincerely causing Toni to nod in understatement.

"I'll try my best. But you and I both know that if I even go near that office and he finds me..." Toni cringed. "I'm as good as dead." She added causing them to reconsider.

"Chill on the file for now and just listen in on his phone conversations." Owen suggested.

"Now that sounds way better." Gail agreed.

"Toni this is important, we need you to pull through and deliver." Omar said causing Toni to nod and roll her eyes.

"I'm trying my best and I will deliver." Toni said not even sounding sure to herself.

Truth was, she could get the folder but something in her just couldn't take it. She needed to snap back and fast because she was slacking and that was not part of the assignment.

"Yeah well I hope so..." Omar said giving Toni a look that she avoided. She needed a shot immediately.

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