Chapter 19

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AN: This one's a long one!! =p I hope no one minds! Anyways, there's so much more later on, so please continue to read on!!

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Chapter 19


“For the love of-“Tyler gasped.

I shook my fist as I turned away from the unconscious Jesse. “I had to shut him up.”

With a small smile Tyler shook his head. I smiled back as I made my way out of the room.

“He said that Lucifer was coming take what was rightfully his.” I mumbled as I shut the door behind me.


I turned towards Tyler. “He said that Lucifer was coming back. Here to earth.”

He shook his head. “That’s not possible.”

“That’s what I said. But Jesse kept saying that he could, not physically but in one way or another he could come back. He would take what was his...”

“I don’t understand. What exactly does he want?”

I shook my head. “Not me, that’s for sure. And it wouldn’t be Jesse. He would have taken him a long time ago if he wanted to.”

Tyler stared at me for some time before saying. “Whatever it is, we can’t let him take it.”

“I know, I know. But what can we do if we don’t even know what ‘it’ is?”

The Angel fell silent.

“There’s no way of telling Him is there? About what we just heard, and what Lucifer had just done?”

Tyler half shook his head-half shrugged. “I think he already knows.”

“Okay so...what are we going to do now? He isn’t just going to leave us hanging is he?!”

“God works in-“

I raised my finger. “Oh no! I know where you’re going. And I don’t care how mysterious he works! He needs to do something, and he needs to do it now!”


“We can’t just wait here like sitting ducks! There’s no way I am going to manage to stop Lucifer without hurting Jesse, or you! Goddamn it! I told you to stay! But you just had to give up your wings and swoop on down here didn’t you?!”

Tyler didn’t return a word.

“See you could have flown back by now and would have warned everyone up there! Send some Guardians down! But nooo! You had to come be a stupid hero to a girl you barely know!!! Oh! Why? I just don’t understand!”

“Me neither.”

“For all the things you could have done you go on and do thi-wait what?”

He shook his head. “I don’t understand either. I was supposed to head over to the Guardian’s quarters the day you should up you know?


He shrugged.“But you looked so lonely, just staring down at the Crease. I knew exactly how you felt, being alone and all. And I knew I couldn’t just walk away.”

“This doesn’t make sense, what are you trying to say?”

“I was supposed to be promoted into the Guardians. I didn’t have to give up anything. But I didn’t show up. So I didn’t get that status. It’s what I wanted. I’ve wanted it ever since I got there. And nothing was going to faze me from trying to come back here and protect people the way I wasn’t able to before. And then some girl shows up, with no wings, no proper ‘death’ and it’s like something just wanted me to walk up to her. That’s what I don’t understand. What I do understand is the fact that I was okay with coming here with you.”

Jesse-Satan's Instrument (Sequel to Lucia-Satan's Daughter) -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now