Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


                I sprinted as fast as I could towards Jesse’s apartment. Before I knew it I found myself face to face with a door I had once seen. The building where I had taken Jesse’s grandmother away from him...I reached for the handle. It didn’t budge; locked. Quickly I scanned for any on-lookers. The coast was clear. Swiftly I placed my hand over the handle, and twisted my wrist. I heard the lock snap. With one rapid motion I flung the door open and slipped inside. Frantically I ran up the stairs. Flight after flight after flight. Where was he?!

                “-Please just leave!” I heard a voice echo a level above me. My legs responded without hesitation.

                It was him I knew it. His voice quivered, he was scared. Lucifer must still be in the apartment.

                Finally I found myself in front of his door. It was closed, but luckily unlocked. Swiftly I burst in, and found myself facing Lucifer; his face was just as cruel as I remembered.

                “W-Who are you?!” Jesse gasped.

                I wanted to throw my hands around him, to hug him, to let him know that he was okay. But I knew I couldn’t. Especially if he didn’t know who I was.

                “Lucifer,” I croaked. “Leave! NOW!”

                He shook his head, tisk-ing as he did. “Have you not learned yet my child? You must never raise your voice to the devil! You could get into a lot of trouble!”

                “Get the hell out! He doesn’t want to go with you. You know just as well as I do that you can’t take things that don’t belong to you.”

                He sighed. “Yes, unfortunately. The power of free will can’t be meddled with; such a shame. No matter, I don’t want him to come with me to hell.”

                “I don’t care what you want!” I spat.

                “Please,” Jesse stammered. “I don’t know who you two are, but please, please leave.”

                Lucifer smiled the same gut cringing smile. “Very well, I may be Satan, but it doesn’t mean I can’t be polite.”


                He dipped his head, “I’ll see you soon Jesse. Feel better yes? You’re grandmother is in a better place.” His eyes moved towards me. “Lucia,”

                And with that he was gone. He left with a soft fade, as if he wasn’t standing there in the first place. By the time the devil disappeared, the room became quiet.

                “Jesse,” I whispered slowly approaching him.

                He looked up at me, his eyes bewildered.

                “Are you alright?”


                I reached for his hand, his shoulder, his face, anything.

                “Leave.” He mumbled.


                “Leave! Get out!”

                “But, Jesse.”

                “I said leave!!!”

                I stood there for what felt like eternity. My heart slowed down, my breath became shallow. “Jesse...”

                His face flashed red, his hands clenched to fist, and he took a step closer. I stared at him as he did. Some part of me wished this was all just a joke. That he actually did remember who I was. “I don’t know who you are...but I don’t want you here.”

                I opened my mouth to say something. But nothing came out, so instead I began to turn around. My legs made their way towards the door; slowly. He couldn’t be serious. But he was. I took one last look back. The boy with curly brown hair was hunched over, curled in a ball on the ground. The boy who came to hell, for a girl he barely knew, was on the floor, crying. My heart clenched.

                So I left.

Jesse-Satan's Instrument (Sequel to Lucia-Satan's Daughter) -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now