Chapter Twenty-Four

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I've spent the whole night crying. It's half-past one in the morning now, and I'm still wide awake. Loki brought me back to their apartment before anyone else got home, and after situating in the same guest bedroom, I've pretty much been crying since we got here. I've heard of apartments and houses getting broken in to, but I never realized how much of a traumatic experience it can be—and to have those men come pounding at my door like that? That just adds an extra layer of feeling violated.

At some point I hear the front door open and close, and I know the others are back. The subsequent murmur in the living room, and quiet knock at my door further proves that everyone knows exactly what happened tonight.

"Come in," I mumble.

The doorknob twists, and Thor comes in—followed by Loki.

"Cerys," Thor says as he saunters over and kneels before me—no 'lady' this time. I hardly look like a lady right now, albeit. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm better," I say softly with a nod. "Thanks for checking on me, and for letting me stay here... I'm so sorry this keeps happening. I promise I'll... I'll figure something out soon with my housing. I'll just.." my voice trails off as the tears come on.

"Please don't apologize," Thor interjects solemnly. "This home is a refuge to us as well—you're welcome to stay as long as you need to."

Tears spring to my eyes as I nod earnestly, and cover my mouth with my fingers.

"Oh, no—come, no need for that anymore, now," he croons as he stands, lifting me up by the arm and opening his arms to give me a hug. I return it in equal measure—thankful for the care and hospitality.

"It's good my brother was there to help," he adds as he pulls away. I watch as he furrows a brow concernedly, still holding onto my shoulders as I steady myself, and sit back down on the bed. "He mentioned there were some men at your door as well—who were they?"

I nod solemnly. "Yeah," I breathe out. "We saw them when we were at the Gala. They seemed like they were watching us and stuff, I didn't really think all that much of it at the time, but... I think if Loki hadn't shown up," I pause, glancing at Loki. "Something worse would've happened."

Thor nods quietly for a moment, and pauses before looking to his brother—exchanging a purposeful glance with him. "Well they're welcome to knock at our door—aren't they, brother?" he says slowly with a hint of care, no doubt trying to muster some confidence in me. "We haven't seen a good fight in... How long has it been, now?"

"Six months," Loki responds matter-of-factly, still looking down at me—and the scintilla of shared effort between the two of them makes me grin.

I laugh as I wipe the stray tears from my cheeks. "Thank you guys..." I snap my head up suddenly. "Oh—how was Pepper doing before you left? Did she say anything?"

Thor exhales. "Well, she was concerned of course—though I believe she was more distressed that you refrained from asking her help."

I sigh. "Yeah, I guess I understand that... If something happened to her or Tony, I'd want to help too."

"She said that as well," Thor adds solemnly. "You should give her a call tomorrow."

"I know," I nod. "I will."

Lies. I'll text her to let her know everything is okay, that I'm okay, but I don't want to burden her with problems that aren't hers. At least, that's my way of showing love.

I glance up, seeing Loki's eyes soften slightly—though his demeanor remains otherwise stern as he stands there, arms crossed and back straightened.

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