Chapter Seven

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I take a deep breath as I stand at the base of the stage—which is more of an open platform towering slightly above the seats. There's a small curtain I've been hiding behind, and the rest of the guests' view is supplemented by the big, towering buildings of Manhattan.

I glance up at the cloudy sky, trying to remind myself again and again to channel my anger into energy, to give a damn good performance. Because Pepper was right, I'll regret it if I let this opportunity go, and mess it up because of Daniel. He's just another asshole—attracted to me, but never really cared about me. He wasn't the first, and I'm sure he won't be the last. Doesn't make it hurt any less, but I'll have plenty of time to hurt over it later tonight.

My suit is thick, protecting me against the cold, but the chill nervousness I feel throughout my body is permeating my bones. I glance over my shoulder at Angie and Kate—my partners for this dance. They'll be going up on stage shortly after me, and they look just as nervous as I am, albeit slightly more excited.

I exhale heavily as I hear the first round of violins picking up, and clench my fists for a moment before walking up the stairs and through the curtains—to the center of the platform. As some cheers and applause sound through the audience, I look out at the sea of faces—some seated in several rows before me, and others spreading out far back into a standing crowd. 

My gaze drops down to the first and second rows, where I see my friends staring back up at me with wide smiles. Pepper holds two thumbs up while Tony gives a friendly nod, and the Asgardians smile broadly—save for Loki, with his sharp, evaluative expression that drops a heavy weight into my stomach.

The violins slow to a demonstrative pause, and I take a deep breath—readying myself. I drag my toe along the platform as I turn, and before the first round of vocals, my breath almost hitches in my throat as I catch sight of Daniel.

Fire explodes through my veins as I gather my breath, and slide my foot backward, leaning back with my arms extending. My chest vibrates as a high note flows out of my throat unreservedly—not a single muscle or hint of tension preventing it from reverberating outward. For a moment, everything in my body naturally drops into sheer peace and bliss—like magic.

I cock my head back forward suddenly as the music picks up with a bit more lively pop, and Angie and Kate appear behind me, dancing along to the rest of the song with me. I look down, seeing Loki's expression having grown even more dense and solemn, with slightly widened eyes. He doesn't look impressed at all—startled is more like it. I push it out of my mind, trying to focus as more of our performers come up on the stage in the last few moments of the song.

"Wooh!" I hear a voice cheer, while another dancer, Jackson, spins me around, and my hair flips as I snap backward—revealing the strong, flexible curvature of my back. I smile as he pulls me back up, and we finish the dance with a proud pose—as a group—with me at the front.


The sound of cheers and applause continues on through the show, pushing me further and further into a state of absolute loss—loss of myself in every movement and note. Until finally, it's time for the last number—the one that James and the Academy had decided would be a happy, welcoming gesture of acceptance to the Asgardians.

Despite the fact that I've been on the stage for almost two hours, I'm even more nervous now than I was before...

"Everything'll be fine," Angie says, stepping up next to me as our wardrobe lady, Mariana, tightens the thin line of cloth wrapping over my shoulder—a very, very slight implication of Asgardian attire. "You've got this!"

I know I've got this. I know the lyrics and the moves. 

I nod, and smile at her—feeling my chest sink at the thought of going up on stage and seeing Daniel again. Smiling at me like nothing's happened... Nevermind Loki, glaring at me like I've done something wrong.

"I know it'll be fine," I say with a shrug. "I just.... I don't know, I think I'll feel better once I'm on stage. I'm so damn nervous."

"Don't be," she shakes her head and pats me on the shoulder as she turns slightly, ready to walk off. "You can do this."

I watch as she walks away from me, over to the rest of the group of people disassembling their costumes. "That's not what I'm worried about..." I murmur.

I'm worried about my own safety while I perform this. I'm worried about what I'm going to say to Daniel afterward. And no amount of consolation will help, I'll just feel better when both are over with.

I stride out on stage, scanning across the faces of my Asgardian friends in the front row. Gods—gods in the front row, how much safer does it get than that?

I hear a few more cheers from the front row, and my heart lightens as I approach the end of the song without any trouble. As I hit the final high note, the same energy reverberates through me as the flames disappear back into my hands, and I hold the note as I slowly lower myself down on one knee—dragging my gaze down to our guests, where Loki peers up at me once more with a blank expression, and slightly widened eyes. I disregard it as I bow my head respectfully to them, with the song ending rather abruptly and dramatically.

Staring down at the grey platform underneath me, my chest heaves as applause breaks out through the crowd. After standing and taking a bow, one by one, the others file onto the platform, and together, we bow to the proud, enthusiastic citizens of New York.

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