Chapter Six

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I never imagined this week would be so arduous... So much so, that I end up being the one to cancel on Daniel this time. He wasn't excessively upset by it—which might strike me as suspicious under different circumstances, if I wasn't so damn tired all the time. I'd even gotten to a point where I had no idea how I'd manage to have energy for the show today.

At least, that's what I thought. Now I'm here, on the second level of a building cleared for performers, and the nervous energy is raging. I've been sitting in a small chair and peering at my reflection in the large, round mirror for some time, while hair and makeup people were set loose on me. With each increasing ounce of makeup being smeared on my face, I've been getting more and more excited.

The overall energy in the room only adds to that, what with people running around behind me, warming up in their respective corners, and chattering in the back. Just out the window, the sky is blanketed by clouds, but no rain—which is a stroke of financial luck, since setting up covers for the festival would have been an expensive nightmare. How and why James managed to get this thing scheduled for the middle of November, I'll never know.

"Hey everybody!" My liveliness drains slightly when I hear his voice, and turn in my chair to see him walk into the room with his assistant, Merila. "I'm about to head out and go check on the setup. In case I don't get back here by the time it starts, I just wanted to say that I'm honored to have worked with you all this year, and I'm rooting for each and every one of you—I know you're all going to knock it right out of the park!" he pauses for effect. "Literally!"

If I had the will and energy, I'd set myself apart from the sparse laughter by rolling my eyes. From where the stage is, I'll be able to see the festival extend well into Central Park. It's a couple of streets down from where we are, and really, James looks like he's had enough of running around that space. His light brown hair is stuck to his forehead, and his face is glimmering slightly in the cloudy, ambient lighting—like he's been physically running for quite some time.

I watch for a moment as people step up to shake his hand, while others give him a hug. Bitter nervousness shudder down my spine as he turns to me with his bright blue eyes, and stalks toward me across the room. Reinforced by years of retail practice, I put on my best smile and customer service voice for everyone else—I'm a professional, and I'll act like it today.

"Cerys," he nods as he approaches. "Feeling good?"

I glance at some of our colleagues looking between us. "Yup, feeling good." I nod. "And ready."

"Glad to hear it," he says, seemingly oblivious to my falsehood, and turns slightly to gesture toward the hallway he came out of. "I just passed through the lobby, there're some friends of yours downstairs that came to wish you luck."

My brows shoot up in surprise. I really only have two entourages in the city, and one of them is scattered throughout this room. "Am I allowed to go down there in this?" I ask, glancing down at my assigned costume for the first performance—a golden, elegant head-to-toe suit of delicate, gleaming tresses and jewels.

Perfect for the theme of the very first song, which will involve very few lyrics. A few words here and there in Italian, and an otherwise fun mix of instrument and pop music. Perfect for dancing to, and our suits are designed for it.

James nods. "Yeah, I don't mind. Just don't go outside, there'll be cameras everywhere."

"Got it," I say, lifting myself off the chair.

The chains hardly rattle against the soft, thick fabric as I make my way down to the first floor. Around the corner of the staircase, I see them—Pepper, Tony, Sif, Heimdall, Thor, and Loki. Theirs are the familiar faces at least, amidst the two other men standing off to the left of the group—near Pepper and Tony, making idle conversation with what I call 'retail smiles.'

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