Chapter Eight

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Flowers, flowers, and more flowers. Apart from the show itself, this is probably the high point of my day—the point where I'm out and about in the street, along with the rest of the crew, seeing all our friends and family and being congratulated. I got two bouquets of flowers from the Academy, and now I see two more approaching me from off to the side, around the stage.

"Wonderful job, Lady Cerys," says Thor as he strides over, and hands a bouquet to me with a big smile.

"Thank you so much!" I grin as I take it, and look over at Pepper, who goes in for a hug with the flowers in her arms.

She says from over my shoulder, "That was incredible, you're so light on your feet!"

I pull away and grin at her, before looking around at the others. At this point, it's a struggle to smile as much as I'm having to, and I can't help but wonder if anyone else is hearing the falsehood in my voice.  "Well that means the world to me, thank you."

"Wouldn't have missed it," says Heimdall, lowering his chin. "It was truly a beautiful performance—you've a gift with languages as well, evidently. Very well done."

"Thank you, Heimdall," I say, tilting my head graciously at him for a moment, before glancing at Loki—ever the quiet, observant shadow in our group.

He presses his lips together as soon as our eyes meet, offering a subtle nod. "Truly a... captivating production."

I crinkle a brow at the strenuousness in his tone—trying to decide whether or not I'm used to his oddities yet. Not a single thing he does rings reasonably with me. "I'll take that as a compliment," I nod at him—smiling.

A hint of a grin tugs in the corner of his mouth, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Per usual."

"Um...yeah." I grin as look back at Pepper. "Well I'm just glad everything went off without a hitch, I honestly thought there were going to be some problems..."

"Oh yeah, the security bit," Tony responds instead, waving a hand through the air. "Pepper told me about that—woulda been fine anyway, tons of S.H.I.E.L.D agents around."

I blink surprisedly—there's a hint of news that no one cared to share with me. "S.H.I.E.L.D's here? Were there threats, or something?"

Tony's brow shoots up. "Don't ask me, I'm not their keeper. Must've been something. But I'm surprised you didn't notice, with all the suits and whatnot?"

He can't be telling me the truth. If there was a security issue, he wouldn't have come, and he wouldn't have brought Pepper. I've only ever known S.H.I.E.L.D to show up places where there was an active threat of some sort—so if there was one, why didn't anyone tell us?

"Yeah I didn't notice them, I was a little, uhhh..." I pause, suddenly noticing Loki's dark expression as his eyes trail slowly away from Tony. "Distracted."

"Beautiful, you mean!" A familiar voice rings behind me, and my breath hitches in my throat.

I turn slowly, feeling the grin melt from my expression as Daniel comes up, and walks straight into a hug. I continue holding on to the bouquets as he wraps his arms over them and around me, leaning over slightly for a kiss. I'm not one to cause a scene in the middle of all these people, so I simply keep my face frozen—slightly grimaced, if nothing else—as he plants the soft kiss on my unmoving lips.

"You were incredible, babe!" he beams at me, and a twinge of pain tightens in my chest at the title as I stride around him quietly, making it clear that I want him to follow.

"Um....okay?" I hear him mumble behind me as he turns, and trails after me.

I pivot toward him sharply once we're a ways away, and his brow furrows as he notices the tears surfacing in my eyes. "Okay, I'm going to make this quick, because I'm not losing my shit today," I say in a low, calm voice—trying to control the twisting hurt in my gut. "This is over."

He pauses, face sinking. "Wait... what?"

"We're done."

I glare up at him as he shakes his head. "Why!?"

"You play shit games with me, that's why. You're cheating on me, and I found out today—today—of all days." I breathe out quietly, and my voice cracks slightly. "I might forgive you one day for the former, but I'll never get over the latter. So you can rightly fuck off."

His face pales suddenly with realization, and he parts his lips as he stares down at me. "Wh—what are you talking about? I don't-"

"No," the corners of my lips twist downward as I shake my head, feeling the lump rise dangerously in my throat—knowing that if I let it rise, I won't be able to stop. I don't need his stupid explanation. I heard everything for myself, and hearing more about it doesn't feel like what I needed right now.

"We're not-" he says, but I walk away before he can say another word.

I glance back once at the group, humiliation creeping in as I walk back to them. I've never been cheated on before, and I don't know how I look to other people right now... Obviously it's not my fault, but the look of pity in everyone's eyes is downright nauseating.

Pepper steps toward me as I get close. "You okay?" 

I nod, biting my lip. "I'm fine."

Her face sinks as she brushes my shoulder with her hand. "I'm really sorry, Cer."

I shrug. "Well, I really know how to pick 'em."

"It's not your fault," she says endearingly. 

I press my lips together as a tear escapes down my cheek, and I nod my head as I glance over her shoulder, at the company. There I see Sif—who grins weakly at me before looking away with a palpable awkwardness. Loki, standing to her right, looks toward me immediately—holding my gaze plainly for a moment before looking away.

"You're right," I look back at Pepper, wiping away the tear. "I'm just tired."

"I know.  I can't tell you to stop dwelling on it now because that's not how it works, but it'll get better—I promise." 

I sigh heavily. "Is... is he still behind me?"

Pepper glances over my shoulder, and her expression remains unchanged as she shakes her head. "No," she says. "He's gone."

"Good," I say, and take a deep breath.

"Come on," she says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "We should try to enjoy the night."

"Wait," I say, pulling away as I step back. "Just... do me a favor and stall them for a bit. I need to go and change first."

Her brow flickers. "Right," she says, glancing at my outfit. "Go for it, we'll be out here."

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