Chapter Eleven

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Almost a week and half has gone by since the show, and I've barely spoken to anyone outside of work. I haven't had any interest in going out, and the only person I've talked to over the phone is Pepper. She spent this past Saturday night with me too.

There was one moment of cheerfulness last week when I first got back to work, when coworkers Frankie and Mike congratulated me again and told me they loved the show. And apart from that, I've spent every single day filing away the pain bit by bit. In a way, my bed has also gotten less and less welcoming since the first night—another sign that I'm recovering, since it was still soft to lay against in all the crooked positions I was in, when the hurt was still fresh.

I roll over in my sheets on the twelvth night of my dismay, feeling my back ache as I shift into a position that puts less strain on it. My eyes open slightly in the process, and it takes me a moment to realize that the sound of footsteps in the living room is what woke me in the first place. I furrow a brow as I lift myself up from the bed for a moment, and listen.

The blood in my limbs turns cold the moment I realize that I'm not alone in here—someone's outside my door, walking around. I can hear the sound of things being moved around—albeit quietly—and I shuffle slowly out of bed, trying to make as little sound as possible.

Thankfully the door's closed, and while I hold my breath, I press my hand slowly around the doorknob, and quietly turn the lock. I let the air escape silently past my lips as I sneak back over to my night stand, trying not to let tunnel vision take over as I grab my phone and dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" I hear a woman's voice on the phone.

"There's someone in my apartment," I whisper.

I feel the panic setting into my chest, and it's getting more and more difficult to control myself as I tell the operator my name and address. I trail over to the window, still hearing feet shuffling outside my door, and moments pass before I start to see red, blue and white lights down the street.

My head snaps at the sudden sound of quick movements on the other side of the door, and a window being opened and closed. I jump away from the window, hearing the sound of feet clanging against the metal fire escape. As soon as they're gone, I look down at my phone—my heart beating wildly against my chest.

The light of the screen is bright against my eyes as I open up a text message to Pepper:

Hey I don't know if you're awake, but someone was inside my apartment just now, and the cops are here...

It's one o'clock in the morning on a Friday night, so she may very well still be awake. As soon as I lower my hand down to my side, my phone begins to vibrate—a phone call, from... Tony?

"H—Hello?" I answer shakily.

"Someone was in your apartment?" I hear his voice.

"Uh," I nod, squeezing my eyes shut as I try to control my heaving chest. "Yeah—yeah, they're gone now."

"We're on our way," he says.

"W—Who's 'we?'" I ask, but he hangs up before I can finish the sentence.

I jump at a sudden knock on the door, and shuffle over to the door—opening it carefully to see if there's anyone still in the living room, before running over to the door and looking through the peephole. It's the cops.


There are two cops in my apartment now. I'm curled up on the couch, and one has been asking me questions for almost thirty minutes now, while the other's been looking around for signs of the intruder.

"It looks like they must've had a key, or something—no signs of forced entry," he says, looking back at us from the door. "Did you lock the door before going to bed?"

"Absolutely," I nod. "I always check the windows and doors before going to bed."

"Buildings here are pretty close together, did you hear whether they went up or down the fire escape?"

I shake my head. "I think they went up, but I'm not sure..."

We turn our heads toward another knock at the door, and the officer nearest to it opens the door. There, I see them—Pepper, Tony, and Thor. No sign of Sif or Heimdall. I stand as they greet the officer as they pass over the threshold, and bustle over to the couch.

"Are you okay!?" Pepper asks, throwing her arms around me reassuringly.

"Yeah," I say, looking at Tony and Thor's disconcerted expressions over her shoulder. "I'm just a little shaken up..."

"Glad to see you're alright, Lady Cerys," says Thor, and looks to the officers. "Have you found the intruder?"

"Not yet," the officer beside me responds, and looks back toward me. "We'll file a report, and keep you updated on it."

"Okay, thank you," I say as he walks over to his partner.

They turn and say goodbye to us one more time before leaving, and I plop down heavily on the couch.

"Were you guys out?" I ask, looking at Pepper as she sits down in front of me, on my wooden coffee table.

"Yeah, we were," she says, glancing at Thor and Tony—who sit themselves down on the couch to my right.

"Did you see who was in here?" Tony asks.

"No," I shake my head. "I have no idea if it was a man, or a woman, or whoever... God, I... I was so goddamn scared. Do you think they'll come back?"

"Probably not," he says.

"Do you want to come stay with us?" Pepper asks, and I beam at her a little.

"Can't tonight," Tony waves a hand, and looks over at me regretfully. "Any other night would be fine, but we've got some people coming in the morning for some meetings this week... If you can wait a few nights, then—"

"You could come stay with us for a time," says Thor. "I believe we have a spare room in our abode."

"Guys, it's fine," I say, waving a hand at them as my chest sinks. "I really appreciate the offer, but I don't want to intrude. It's okay."

"It's not an intrusion at all," Thor smiles warmly as he shakes his head. "We'd enjoy your company greatly."

A thankful grin tugs on the corner of my mouth as relief sweeps through me, and I nod my head—feeling wetness tinge my eyes a bit. I really didn't want to be alone tonight, or for a few nights maybe. The idea was terrifying, and I'm not sure how I would've fared as soon as they were gone, and the lights went out.

"Thank you so much," I say softly. "I would really like that. I won't be any trouble, I'll even help clean up around the loft, and go shopping for you guys."

"I'm sure we'd all enjoy the company alone," Thor nods. "But your kindness is also appreciated, thank you."

"No, it's your kindness that I appreciate," I say, with a faint laugh in my voice. "But... Are you sure the others will be alright with it?" I ask, thinking of Loki.

Thor chuckles. "Once you've lived there for a time, you'll realize just how much room we all have. I'm sure there'll be no problems."

"Thanks, Thor," says Pepper, leaning forward and patting him on the shoulder. "I really appreciate it too."

Thor inclines his head, and I sigh. "I guess, just... Give me a minute to gather my things?"

"Of course," he says, and I get up to wonder back into my darkened room.

I take a few more relieving breaths as I pull out a small tote bag from my closet, and start putting some essentials into it. After a few minutes, I glance at my bed on my way back out—I definitely wouldn't have gotten any sleep if I'd stayed here tonight.

Loki's in for a surprise in the morning when he gets up to brush his teeth.... lol.

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