Chapter Nineteen

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It's Christmas Day. Well, Christmas morning to be exact, and I've already got my outfit ready on a chair in the corner of the room. I grab it as I wrap a robe around myself and head down the hallway to take a shower, noting the cheery, Christmas themed music already playing in the living room.

I'd take my time if I didn't think that there are six other people that might need the bathroom at any point—the shower pressure is just too nice. As is the shower itself, with its marble floors that match the counters. Beautiful.

I dry my hair off first, dousing it with product to retain the curls as I blow dry it gently, and put the outfit on as soon as I'm done: the only nice pair of thick, black leggings that I own, and a red crew sweatshirt with a reindeer on the front. The finishing touch? A pair of Christmas themed, knee-length fluffy socks, and I'm good to go.

As I head out to the living area, I glance to my left at movement in the kitchen—Pepper scurrying around frustratedly, surrounded by pots and pans of food, with Tony and Thor wandering around aimlessly around her with bowls and food in their hands. Thor, most notably, is carrying around a platter with a giant slab of ham.

As soon as she notices me, the frustration in her expression fades to relief, and she glares at me wide-eyed. "Merry Christmas," she sighs, and holds her hands up in surrender. "Please help me."

"Sure," I say laughingly as I step around the kitchen, gandering at the mess. "What happened here!?"

"Oh that would be us," Tony pivots toward me with a hand up. "We happened. Told her we should wait until you're up, but who the hell ever listens to me anyway?"

"Everyone listens to you, Tony," I raise a brow at him as I walk over, and take the casserole dish out of his hands—glancing between him and Thor. "Now you two listen to me, and go away so Pep and I can do this properly."

"Got it," Thor says, and sets the platter down without hesitation.

"Oh actually," says Pepper, glancing at it. "That's ready to go in the oven, so I'll ask you to do that first."

Thor grins agreeably. "Will do," he says, lifting it up again.

I look over at her to my right, and my eyes jump past her as I look around the room—Sif is sitting with her back to us on the nearest couch, watching something on the television mounted above the fireplace, but there's no sign of Loki or Heimdall. Looks like everyone else is up—where could they possibly be on Christmas morning?

"Oh!" I turn back sharply to Thor and Tony. "Merry Christmas!" I smile as I throw my arms up and move in to hug them both.

"Merry Christmas," they say back, nearly in unison—but utterly diverging in levels of enthusiasm.

"Looks like everyone's here, except Heimdall and Loki?" I ask as I step back, and throw my head over to Sif for a moment. "Merry Christmas, Sif!" I call out to her.

With a sudden movement, she turns and looks back at me—before jumping up from the couch with a grin and heading over to the kitchen.

"I believe they're still asleep," Thor says, while Sif walks past him and gives me a hug.

"Merry Christmas, dear," she says over my shoulder briefly, before stepping back.

"Got it," I nod, and grin as I turn back to Pepper. "I guess it's just us." I say as I step up beside her, and the others head slowly back toward the couches. "What're we making?" I ask, glancing at the recipe she has open on her laptop.

"I'm making a green bean casserole, but you," she says, and reaches over to the laptop—changing the tabs. "Are making a sweet potato casserole."

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