Chapter Ten

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Once outside, a number of puzzled expressions turn and eye us curiously—as though they'd been wondering what kept us so long. In the meantime, I prepare myself for the ensuing announcement of my departure—which is absolutely necessary, for everyone involved. For the sake of my ability to wring out all the tears bubble under the surface, and for the sake of not embarrassing myself in an otherwise drunken stupor.

"Hey guys," I say intently, scanning their concerned faces. "Sorry I kept you waiting, guys go without me, I'm going to go home."

Among the subtle moans of protest, Pepper frowns. "Cer, are you sure that's what you ought to do tonight?"

I nod heavily. "I just want to go home, Pep," I say quietly. "And go to sleep, maybe."

Understanding spreads across her face, and she sighs heavily. "Do you want me to call a car for you?"

"No," I say. "I'm a few blocks down, I'll be okay."

"I'd like a walk as well." Loki remarks sharply, and all eyes turn to him—including my own. He jumps from face to face briskly, before looking back down at me. "Unless you prefer to be left alone."

I glance up at the sky, seeing that it's getting dark. Despite the crowds still roaming the streets from the festival, it's never a bad idea to walk with someone when nighttime's beginning to approach. Though, still... Whilst staring at the tall god, I arch a brow at the strange thought emanating from his offer—that he's asking for my company.

"Sure, you can come." I mumble a bit perturbedly, and turn to offer my goodbyes. Pepper keeps a hardened look on Loki while I engage in the onslaught of final complements and goodbyes, and gently grabs my shoulder as I turn to leave.

"Cerys," she mumbles with a dark expression. "Be careful walking back."

Her tone hardly matches the severity of walking across town, particularly while escorted by a guy we both know, but I give her a meaningful look anyway. "Always, Pep."

Her lips thin reproachfully as I step away, and turn to head off with him—deeper into the city, and further away from central park. Silence settles between us for a time, allowing me to drift away into my thoughts. An interesting dynamic to engage in with an acquaintance, which usually demands some semblance of small talk.

"So... you like walks," I mutter after some time, as we continue strolling down the bustling streets of New York.

"I do," he says flatly, looking up at the buildings—not even a glance in my direction.

My brows shoot up a bit at the clipped response. "Okay..."

For a moment, the only sound between us is the sound of our shoes against the sidewalk. Which is becoming a bit awkward, now that I've actually tried to engage him in some kind of conversation. Though still, the overall feeling is a bit surreal. Walking down the street with an Asgardian—an alien—when a mere few weeks ago, I had no expectations to even become acquainted with one.

"I'm not particularly fond of...people," he suddenly says. "But you seem marginally less dull than the others."

"Oh," I blink surprisedly—maybe a bit too enthusiastically—and glance in his direction. Toward the tall alien strutting down the street beside me, with his usual, decidedly dour expression. "Well... if you wanted to be friends, all you had to do was ask."

"I have asked."

I arch a brow at him amusedly, wondering if this little excursion was, in fact, his way of 'asking.' "Being nice from the start would've made things even simpler."

The God and the Siren (Loki Romance)Where stories live. Discover now