Chapter 41|The Promise|

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Rainbow Dash sighed for a thousand times. It's been two weeks since she had a big fight with Soarin, and now she even don't know what or where is he.

It's not my fault, isn't it? Well, if I'm not with Mr. Middleton, he won't rage up. But it's his fault too. He must do something with his over jealousy emotional thingie. Mr. M is just a practical teacher, he won't be at CHS for a long time...

She sighed again. She miss Soarin, but her ego just, don't let her to see him. She might wonder if Soarin miss her too. She also hopes that Soarin would call and message her, or see her anyway. Suddenly, someone knocked her door.

"Hey sis, watcha doing?" Scootaloo and Rainbow Blitz stepped in her room as they pullled a warm smile." Nothing," Dash smiled." Really? Do you still mad at Soarin? Do you? Do you? Do you?"

"Scoots stop it," Blitz shook his head." Well I might lie if I said I still mad at him, but I couldn't understand myself," she chuckled." And why are you laughing? You two still fight?" Blitz asked while crossing his arms. He shouldn't be the third wheel of Soarin and Dash's relationship, but she is his little sister." Don't worry. Me and Blitz will not abandon you. We're sisters remember?"

"And what do you wanna say is I am a girl?" Finally, they bursted in laugh." Can you give me some space?" Dash asked after laughing." Uhhh...kay. Suit yourself sis, bye!"

As Scootaloo pushed Blitz to the outside of the room, Dash shook her head. Well, that's her siblings. Standing by her side when she is smiling and tearing. The sound of buzzing attract her. Immediately, she grabbed the phone in hope that is Soarin.

Soarin wanna see you.
This evening at the park

Dash raised an eyebrow. Sorain wanted to see her, why? Get back? She could hope so that will happen.

Danger Dash
You will be there?

Nope. Give both of you chance
to fix everything up

Danger Dash

You can trust me. See you
after you meet Soarin?


anger Dash
Hope so...

••that evening••

"Where is he?" Dash groaned. She stared at the golden and brown leaves at the grass. Soon, it's winter. She loves winter but with this emotional condition, maybe it's the first Winter she could never enjoyed." Ehemm..."

Dash turned around. And see the pale blue boy standing infront of her." Hi," Soarin awkwardly greeted her." Hi," Dash slowly walk to him." So, what is so important that you can't tell me with Whatsapp or make a call?" She tried to keep calm." Well, Dash. I'm sorry,"

"Sorry? Don't you know how hard my life through our stupid action? You think I can simply take that five letters word after you broke my heart?" Dash stopped a little while to take a short breathe." Soarin, I know our relationship is kinda fast, but can you-"

Soarin immediately snapped her off." Rainbow Dash could you please listen? Yes I know it's too fast. But believe me Dashie, my love is only for you. Now and will forever be yours till the death keeps us apart."

"And I know you can't just forget everything and accept my apologise, but I will never give up until your heart melted and forgive me. Sure things might change, and time will moving but one thing you must know, I didn't flirt with you just for fun. Something in my heart told me when my eyes landed on you for the first timer. It's really hard to tell but, I am having fun with you. I'm sincere with our relationship. And one more, I love you,"

Dash hold her tears from dropping out of her eyelid. She loves Soarin, but she don't know how to let it out from her mouth now." Dash..."

"Please give me time Soar. I need time. And I can't promise I'll back with you. But, please lend me some of your time and who knows, I might accept you back,"

"I... I. I will give you all of my time. And promise me, as soon as you've made up your mind, promise I am the first person you would tell me what's in your heart,"

"I promise..."


"You're okay Dash?" Spitfire asked her." I don't know what to say," Dash said lazily as she put her forehead on her knees." You know, as my thought, you should accept Soarin back. But now I wanna know something from you, do you still have a heart on him or not?"

"Well, you know you really love someone when you can't hate them from breaking your heart,"

"So that means you still love him,"

"I wanna go home. Bye," Dash immediately stand up and makes her way out of the park.

"So?" Wave asked Spitfire, as he handed her some water." Well, so far at least they didn't hate each others," Spitfire shrugged." So what are we gonna do?"

"Of course we need to do something. But how?"

"You have a plan? Cause I have a plan," Wave looked at the fiery girl." Well what is it?" She return the question back to Wave." Well it's almost Winter. So how about... we make a celebration party, and invite them. And..."

"...let them bring the things up themselves? Or the party will make them close and they will forgive each other? That's lame,"

"Well it's the best I could think,"

They think for a little while. As the autumn air breezing around them, Spitfire suddenly nodded her head." You know what? That's the thing we need. You're not as stupid as I thought," she punched Wave's shoulder." Hey, you think that I am stupid? And thank you,"

"Heh. You're welcome, lame-o"

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