Chapter 29|The Next Day|

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Spitfire's pov

"Come on Dash hurry up!" I shouted to the girl who is busy in the bathroom." Yes!!!"

And yep, a thousand yes. Well, at least I have some time to figure out what shall we do at the city of love. Ideas ideas ideas, okay I'm totally blank right now.

Maybe I should ask someone for a little help. Maybe-

"DONE ALREADY!!!" Dash slammed the door as she came out from the bath." Thank goodness. What took you so long?"

"Mmm, nothing. Lets go,"

-time skip

"Great. Just great. We hurry up for all the moment and the idiots still not here? I should be on my bed right now not stuck here at the lobby bla bla bla-"

I closed my ears. Duhh, if Dash's nagging, my ears will start to bleed. But she's right after all. Where's the guys actually?

"Yo Spitfire!" Finally...

"Sorry for late. Soarin took me hair dryer," Wave rubbed his neck." And what is your excuse?" I faced the blue dimwit.

"He took mine first."

"And why did you need hair dryer actually?" I asked in annoyed. Myself didn't used that thing." Duhh, to keep up our hair styles,"

I rolled my eyes, whatever." Okay. So what's our plan?" I asked." Breakfast! I'm starving..."

-time skip

"Come on Soarin finish your breakfast," Dash said, annoyed. Well she can feel that, all 'cause Soarin didn't finish his while we'ce done like thirty minutes ago.

"Be patience. You think it is easy to cut this croissant?" Soarin muttered while munching his breakfast." Why didn't you ask for pie?"

"Sometimes we need to feel like we are french," I stifled. Then, I have an idea.

"Okay how about we walk in pairs? Good, I'm with Wave Chill and you both can continue fighting like a married couple bye!" I immediately grabbed Wave's arm and run before Dash pulled me again.

Rainbow Dash's pov

What the fuck Spitfire. I swear I'll kill you later. She made me stuck here with Soarin. With. Soarin.

If she right here infront of me, I will make her choke right now.

"Heloooo, Dash? Earth to Rainbow Dash... Rainbow, Dash? Soarindash!" I startled.

"There you are. Where are you just now? The moon? The star? I'm finished lets go," my face heated up for a while. It's not because Soarin bothered me, it's because, you know why.

"Okay okay lets go,"

-time skip

Ahh Eiffel Tower. My most favourite place. Sometimes I dreamed I want to get propose here, heh heh.

I've caught dozens of pictures for just a couple of days. Imagine there's five days left. My phone and camera will full maybe.

"What are you thinking about now?"

Urgh... why does he likes ruining my mood?

"Nothing," I walk away from him." Hey Dash wait!" Then, I start to run." Wait Rainbow Dash!"

Somehow, he got my hand and pull it.

And that makes me fell down. On him. ON HIM!!!

"Soarin Skies what is wrong with you? Could you leave me alone?"

"You need to walk with me Dashie or you will lost or maybe someone will kidnapp you and what should I tell your mom and dad if that happen?"

Gosh he sounds mad. And seriously he start to call me Dashie again? Before I could reply to him, somebody gasped.

"What. Are. You. Doing?!" Oh shit, Spitfire and Wave." What?" Soarin asked them back.

"What? Dude why are you both lie down facing each other at the middle of the park?" Then I realize. I'm still in this position and didn't get up yet.

"Are you..."

I immediately get up and close Spitfire's mouth. And push it very strong. She pulled my hand off.

"What the fuck are you doing? It's hurt you know?" She scolded me." Oops, sorry..."

"Come on Wave. Lets leave them alone. I'm pretty sure they want to face each other again!"

They suddenly run away, again.


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