Chapter 36|Keep On Planning|

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Soarin rang the bell again. It's like he's been standing there for hours." Shit where is she?" Soarin muttered. Then he saw a a tall tree right beside Spitfire's room." Okay, I'll try," with all his guts and experience, he climb the tree to the top." Now what?" Then, he realized, he don't know how to move the tree to the balcony. Well, he didn't know how to get down either.

"What are you doing?" A voice suddenly asked him. Soarin slowly looked down while hugging the tree. He saw Spitfire is standing down there wuth raised eyebrow." N-nothing," okay, this is too high. Too high...

Spitfire rolled her eyes." How did you get there? And how are you gonna do to step on the earth again?" She asked, well more to demand." Okay okay help me! Please..." he cried." Urgh..."

-time skip

"Where have you been?" Soarin asked when Spitfire get him down." CH. You know they have Sky Ball this weekend. Maybe you can bring Dash with you," The blue dimwit sighed." Well..."

After telling Spitfire what happened to them, Soarin told her his plan." Woah woah woah. So you want me to disguise as your 'girlfriend' to make her jealous? Ewww," Spitfire makes a gross face." C'mon Spits you need to help me. I don't want to loose her,"

Oh boy, here we go

"If we're negleting each other, then our relationship will be destroyed. And I will be really really really dissapointed and fell into deep depression and I will abandoning all my stuff and locked myself in a room while holding a bucket of ice cream..."

Spitfire shook her head." Can't you please don't make any drama infront of my house?" She said annoyingly." Please!!!" Soarin started to stand on his knees, begging her." Okay okay I'll do it. Stop embarassing yourself,"


"Uhh, yeah. But no holding hands, no kissing, no dancing, no sweet sappy love feeling and don't try to make any of your cheap pick-up line with me. Got it?"

Soarin thinks for a little while." But then in her ees we're just a friend. Okay, no kissing and pick-up line," Soarin gave a piece of his mind, which is whole stupid." And you want me to hold your hand and say 'ohh Soarin Skies I really love you please dance with me tonight and we can have a long day bla bla bla' like all your fangirls?"

Soarin nodded." How can I be friend with a really dumb shit short minded boy like you?" She tapped her head." Okay,"

-the next day

"Hey Dashie!" Pinkie shouted happily at her friend." Pinkie slow down," Dash rolled her eyes." Did he asked you? Did he did he did he?" She jumped rapidly, squealing." Woah what? Who is he?"

Pinkie stopped." Duhh your boyfriend," Dash stopped and took a glare at the pink girl." Okay. First, I didn't see Soarin since yesterday and two, what the hell are you taling about?"

"Duhh the Sky Ball at Cloudsdale High. One of the grandest teenage party in the whole country! And did he invite you?" Pinkie asked again." The Sky Ball?" Rarity, come out of norwhere, squealed like a maniac." One of the most luxuries ball everrrr!"
Dash shook her head. She kinda miss Soarin for a little bit. She knew she has been abandoning him since yesterday and she felt very guilty." Dashie..." Rarity waved her hand infront of Dash's face." Huhh?"

"Aww Dashie did Soarin asked you to go with him? And if he did, he must be the most romantic boy on earth..." Rarity sighed happily." He, he didn't,"


"I told you he didn't asked me to go to the ball!" The two girls gasped." Yes he did," Spitfire suddenly interuppted them." What are you talking about?" Dash asked." Well, Soarin want me to ask you if you wanna go to the ball this weekend. Need answer as soon as possible,"

Somehow, Dash feel frustrated a while. If Soarin want to ask her, why don't he ask her face to face, not using a middle man." Hey Dash!"

"Huhh? Oh yes. And where is he?" Dash asked." He has a class now,"

"Can we come too?" Pinkie and Rares asked." Uhh, okay. You with me so have some fun," they jumped happily and cheered up." Hooray! Thanks Spitfire!" They gave her a big hug, which Spits do her best to escape from it and run away for their class.

Then, she turned to Dash." Well, see you after class," she said as she make her way to her class, leaving Spitfire alone." I'm so sorry Dash. I have no choice. He is my friend too," the fiery girl sighed.

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