Ch. 52

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Heartstorm knew the time would come when he'd be Cloudbreeze, pacing the nursery worriedly. Heartstorm dreaded the moment. He couldn't imagine Silverdrop crying in pain. He slipped into the nursery. He heard Heatherkit and Daisykit wailing and Acornheart trying to comfort them. He smiled at Silverdrop. She beamed back. 

          "Fancy a walk?" she said, eyeing the kits. Heartstorm looked unsurely at her bulging stomach. She rolled her eyes.

           "I can still walk," she muttered. "And if you don't want to go on a walk with me, I'll go alone." 

            "Sorry," Heartstorm murmured. "Let's go." They padded out of the den and slipped under the tunnel. Silverdrop relished the fresh air, taking deep breaths and looking around at the scenery. 

            "It's horrible, cooped up in there," shuddered Silverdrop. "And those kits crying, it's driving me crazy."

             "The nursery seems really comfortable," remarked Heartstorm, trying to make Silverdrop feel better. She huffed. 

            "I can't imagine being in the nursery for more than five moons," said Silverdrop. "Are you alright? You seem distracted." Heartstorm had been thinking about their future. 

           "What? Oh nothing," he said. "There must be some good in being in the nursery." 

            "Oh yes, of course, I don't need to guard Cinderstar anymore," Silverdrop said with a small smile. 

             "Oh right," Heartstorm said bitterly, thinking about Cinderstar. Being in the medicine den with her drove him crazy. He couldn't imagine how it was for her, but he didn't care how she felt in there either.

              "Is she being decent to you?" asked Silverdrop kindly and looking worried. "I hope she's not tormenting you with things from ShadowClan." 

               "Nah, don't worry about me. I can handle her," Heartstorm assured Silverdrop. He had gotten used to just ignoring Cinderstar. "Just..., rest." Silverdrop glared at him defiantly. 

               "I'm just fine," she told him, holding her head high. 

                "I'm sure you are," Heartstorm sighed. "But you know.., you still have to rest." Silverdrop ignored him. They kept walking, listening to the calming sound of nature. Then Deerflame and Eelfrost appeared, talking. Heartstorm grinned at Eelfrost. 

                 "Hey," beamed Deerflame. Her eyes flew to Silverdrop's stomach. Heartstorm knew she was going to say something about her walking around when she was so close to kitting. "It's very good that you're not letting the fact that you're going to have kits, stop you from going out of camp. I can't imagine being in the nursery the whole day! I'm glad you see sense." Heartstorm gaped and Eelfrost didn't seem so sure. 

                 "Why thank you!" exclaimed Silverdrop, giving Heartstorm a "I told you so" look. "It's so dull being in the nursery, not being able to do anything. You're totally right." Deerflame smiled, walking side by side with Silverdrop. They walked forward away from Heartstorm and Eelfrost. 

              "Deerflame is driving me mad," Eelfrost said under his breath as he and Heartstorm walked side by side. 

                "Really?" asked Heartstorm. 

               "I mean, she's great and all..., but she keeps saying I should act more mature. I mean, I'm as mature as it gets," Eelfrost said. Heartstorm burst out laughing but Eelfrost pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes. 

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