Ch. 23

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                 "Heartstorm, Embergaze, Beestripe, Eelpaw, Cloudbreeze, Greyspeck and Applenose," announced Thornstar. "Will be going to the Gathering tonight." Heartstorm grinned. He joined Deerpaw and Eelpaw who were talking excitedly. Deerpaw was slightly disappointed but she didn't show it. 

                  "We are leaving now," said Greyspeck, trotting to Heartstorm and Eelpaw's side. Heartstorm and Eelpaw said goodbye to Deerpaw and trotted to the camp entrance. Heartstorm knew Thornstar might mention him in the Gathering and was shivering with excitement. He passed Silverdrop as he walked out and stopped to look at her. She broke his gaze and slipped away. He frowned. Was she mad at him?

                   "Reckon Thornstar's going to mention you?" inquired Eelpaw.  

                   "Hopefully," said Heartstorm distractedly. Where had Silverdrop gone? Why had she turned away?

                       "Heartstorm... Heartstorm," Eelpaw prodded. 

                       "Wha?" He snorted. 

                        "What happened with ThunderClan today?" asked Eelpaw. 

                       "They were insulting us," said Heartstorm, remembering his anger from earlier. 

                        "Come on, don't be so slow," hurried Beestripe. Heartstorm slipped in and out of the shadows cast by the moon. Finally, they crossed the river and soon spotted the Four Trees in the distance. Heartstorm grinned. As they entered the clearing, he spotted WindClan. He spotted Ivypaw next to Firecry and expected to feel jealousy or anger but he felt nothing. He couldn't care less for Ivypaw. He pressed closer to Eelpaw and eyed WindClan accusingly. He caught Ivypaw's eye and she held his gaze. Finally, she broke away and turned back to talk to Firecry. ShadowClan and ThunderClan weren't there yet. The two Clans Heartstorm hated the most. Suddenly he smelt them. ShadowClan. Their strong scent was so different. He had never thought ShadowClan had smelt so... dark and stinky before. He crinkled his nose. ShadowClan warriors piled into the clearing, they kept to themselves. He felt their eyes on him. Their stares cold and unkind. He didn't care. He was RiverClan. No other Clan mattered. Only his Clan. Plus he was used to it. He spotted Cinderstar, her eyes were dark as she stalked towards the other leaders. A few RiverClan cats parted to talk to WindClan but Heartstorm stayed by Eelpaw's side. Finally, ThunderClan arrived, the barged past RiverClan, puffing out their chests and Heartstorm couldn't help but let out a small hiss. 

                       "Oh it's you," said one of the ThunderClan cats in disgust. "The traitor." 

                       "He's not a traitor!" snapped Eelpaw. Heartstorm fixed his gaze on the ThunderClan cat and finally, he turned away. The leaders leapt onto the large rock. Thornstar stepped forward first but Falconstar pushed past him. RiverClan let out angry cries and ThunderClan jeered and sniggered. Heartstorm sprang onto his feet and growled. Thornstar and Falconstar exchanged a few words. RiverClan waited, expecting Falconstar to go back and Thornstar to make his announcement but instead, Thornstar backed into the shadows. Heartstorm felt his fur raise. 

                         "Heartstorm!" came a voice. It was Applenose. "Don't. Sit back down." Heartstorm took a deep breath and sat back down. 

                        "ThunderClan is thriving! We have plenty of food!" announced Falconstar. ThunderClan roared with agreement and cheers. Heartstorm rolled his eyes. There was nothing special about it. "Oooh and RiverClan did try to claim our side of the river. Of course after a short talk, they backed away as cowards. And my warriors weren't even trying to scare them away." The red coloured cat Heartstorm had seen earlier that day sneered at them. RiverClan growled and hissed angrily while ThunderClan laughed and cheered. Eelpaw shot onto his paws and lashed his tail angrily. Beestripe snapped at him to sit down and nodded to the clear sky and the bright moon. 

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