Ch. 47

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             "Have you heard about Deerflame and Eelfrost?" asked Sparkbelly in a low voice to Heartstorm. They were on a patrol with Hawkpaw, Dustpaw and Mudclaw. 

              "Yeah, I have," nodded Heartstorm. It was time Sparkbelly got over Deerflame. ¨

             "Is it true?" asked Sparkbelly, hoping it wasn't. "I mean, they're only rumours." 

              "Why don't you ask her?" suggested Heartstorm. 

              "I don't- you know her, so are they together?" asked Sparkbelly unsurely. Heartstorm didn't want to tell Sparkbelly. He thought it might be better for Deerflame to tell him. But Sparkbelly seemed to be begging Heartstorm for an answer so he tried to make up the easiest way to tell him. 

              "Well, Deerflame and Eelfrost um... are together," Heartstorm said which didn't seem to make Sparkbelly feel better. He hung his head. 

              "I knew it," he sighed. 

               "Well, um, there are other cats," Heartstorm said, trying to think of any other she-cats. 

               "Like who?" cried Sparkbelly dejectedly. "You've got Silverdrop. Deerflame is with Eelfrost. Acornheart has Cloudbreeze..." 

                 "Hey, there's um.., there's Blacktail," suggested Heartstorm, grimacing at the same time. 

               "Blacktail?" repeated Sparkbelly. "She's too.... old." Heartstorm raised his eyebrows. Sparkbelly was right. Besides Blacktail and Rosepaw all the other she-cats were taken. 

               "I'm sure you'll find somebody," Heartstorm reassured, although he knew it was very unlikely. He felt bad for Sparkbelly. Sparkbelly hung his head sadly. 

             "I'll be alone for the rest of my life," he pouted. 

              "Well, I'm sure somebody will turn up," Heartstorm said, not believing it.  

              "Who?" sobbed Sparkbelly. "Rainfeather is with Reedpelt. Moorpelt is with Stripedfur. Softcry is with Embergaze, and he doesn't even talk! You're with Silverdrop and Eelfrost is with Deerflame... And I- I've got nobody." Just then, Mudclaw interrupted. 

             "A lot of us don't have anybody," he put in. "Applenose, Greypseck, you, Smallear, Smoketail and Beestripe." He shrugged. "We've reached the border, so stop pouting." Heartstom was glad for the distraction. Hawkpaw and Dustpaw ran ahead. The sky was grey and cloudy. The sun was nowhere to be seen. Heartstorm felt himself shivering as he gazed at the never ending moor. It stretched on forever. Heartstorm no longer longed to feel what it was like to run in the moor. He had already been on the moor and RiverClan territory was enough. 

            "Hawkpaw and Dustpaw can mark the border," Mudclaw said. "Let's check for any signs anybody has been past the border. Heartstorm looked around for anything which might suggest WindClan had crossed the border but he found nothing. He sniffed the air. It was cool and the scent of fresh rain lingered. He knew it would start raining anytime. He sighed, he hated rain. After making sure there was no sign of WindClan, the patrol headed back. Sparkbelly and Dustpaw broke from the patrol in the middle of the forest for some training but Heartstorm led Hawkpaw to the clearing with Hawkpaw. Reedpelt had asked to talk to Heartstorm at noon. 

             "I'll be in Thornstar's den," Heartstorm told Hawkpaw when they had reached camp. "I'll come and get you when I'm done." Hawkpaw nodded and headed for the apprentice den. Heartstorm lingered outside of the leader's den until Reedpelt joined him. 

             "We need to talk about Hawkpaw," he told Heartstorm. Heartstorm nodded, hoping it was nothing about his teaching. Thornstar called from inside. 

             "Reedpelt?" he said. 

             "Yes, it's us," Reedpelt said. They entered the den. Thornstar smiled at Heartstrom.

              "Nothing to be worried about. We just like to talk to the mentors about their apprentice's learning, what they have achieved and where they are now, from time to time," assured Thornstar.

              "Oh right," Heartstorm said in relief. "Hawkpaw is a great apprentice. He's going to be a great warrior, I know it." Reedpelt nodded. "He got a chance not to feed the elders, it was a training exercise we did with Sparkbelly and Dustpaw. And he won but he still wanted to feed the elders, said it was his responsibility."  Heartstorm found it was easy to talk about Hawkpaw. 

             "He learns quickly. He had some problems with killing when hunting but now he understands it's for the good of the Clan. He's greatly improved in hunting. And he's amazing in water. He has the perfect technique, he can swim quickly, quietly and swiftly. His fishing is very good, improving with each practise. And we've just started fighting in water. He learned so quickly," Heartstorm said. 

             "How about his fighting?" asked Thornstar with a nod of approval. 

              "Very good. We need to broaden his knowledge of some skills but he would be able to take care of himself in a fight very well," nodded Heartstorm. 

              "He's going to be twelve moons in less than two moons, do you think he's going to be ready?" asked Reedpelt. 

              "Of course," Heartstorm nodded. 

             "Do you think you're going to give him a final assessment?" asked Thornstar. 

             "Well, I don't think the stress of knowing there will be an assessment will be necessary but I'll test him on different things over the course of a quarter moon when the time comes I think," Heartstorm explained. Reedpelt nodded in agreement. 

             "That's great, thank you," he nodded. 

              "Tell us when you think he is ready and feel free to talk about his improvement to us anytime," smiled Thornstar. "Thank you." Heartstorm dipped his head and headed out. He was going to train Hawkpaw to be the best warrior. Hawkpaw was nearly there, he was sure. He knew almost everything and Heartstorm knew that he would be able to teach Hawkpaw all he had to know to be able to become a true RiverClan warrior. Hawkpaw trotted up to Heartstorm. 

             "Ready to go?" asked Heartstorm. 

             "Sure," nodded Hawkpaw. They headed out of camp. 

That night, Heartstorm lay in his nest, thinking about the happy things he'd love to happen in the future. Seeing Hawkpaw becoming a warrior and receiving his warrior's name. Joking and laughing with Deerflame and Eelfrost. And raising a family with Silverdrop. He fell into a dreamy sleep. 


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