Ch. 43

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Heartstorm woke up stiff and grumpy. He looked around the warrior's den and did not see Sparkbelly. With a sigh, he heaved himself out of his nest and headed to the apprentice den. It was almost past dawn and the sky was a light blue. He peered into the apprentice den. Sure enough, only Rosepaw and Hawkpaw remained. Hawkpaw was sleeping soundly and Heartstorm did not wish to wake him. But he padded into the den to wake Hawkpaw all the same. 

             "Hawkpaw," Heartstorm said softly. "It's dawn. There's training." Hawkpaw mumbled and turned away. "I don't want to wake up this early but you've got training with Dustpaw." Hawkpaw didn't move this time, snoring gently. Heartstorm sighed and prodded Hawkpaw on the rib. Still Hawkpaw just mumbled and pushed Heartstorm's paw away. 

              "Hawkpaw, it's time to wake up," Heartstorm said more firmly. Hawkpaw kept sleeping. Heartstorm bent down and nipped Hawkpaw on the ear. His eyes blinked open. 

               "Wha?" he muttered. Heartstorm prodded him gently on the rib once more. 

               "Come on, time to train. Wake up. I'll give you a few more minutes. Meet me at the camp entrance," Heartstorm relented. Hawkpaw murmured yes then curled up into a ball. Heartstorm headed towards the small stream for a fresh drink. He reached the stream, the water trickling gently and lapped the cool fresh water. Then he stepped into the river and splashed himself. He shivered in the sudden cold and shook himself but he was awake. He padded towards the camp entrance. He waited for a while until a bleary eyes Hawkpaw appeared, yawning and walking drowsily. 

               "Good morning," Heartstorm said brightly and led his apprentice out towards the clearing. "You ready for training?"

               "Why so early?" moaned Hawkpaw. 

               "You're training with Dustpaw today," said Heartstorm. "Do you want to go by the river so you can freshen up?"

                 "Yeah please," Hawkpaw sighed. They made a detour and headed for the river. Hawkpaw stuck his head into the rushing water and emerged dripping wet but very much awake. 

                "So what are we going to train?" asked Hawkpaw, more like himself. Heartstorm smiled. 

              "Fighting. It'll be good for you, to spar with someone your own size," explained Heartstorm. 

                "Cool," said Hawkpaw. They heard some shouting and Heartstorm pricked his ears. 

                "Come on Dustpaw! Run faster!" the voice was saying. It was Sparkbelly. Heartstorm chuckled and they came upon the clearing where Dustpaw was jogging and Sparkbelly yelling instructions. 

                "Good morning Sparkbelly," called Heartstorm. Sparkbelly turned to him, smiled and called Dustpaw to stop and take a break. Dustpaw collapsed on the floor, breathing hard. 

                "Sorry for being slightly late," apologised Heartstorm not so sorrily. 

              "It's alright," huffed Sparkbelly. "Should we start with a fight?" Heartstorm shook his head. 

                 "Hawkpaw needs to warm up," he said. "Run a few laps alright?" Hawkpaw nodded and started to run. Sparkbelly turned to Dustpaw. 

                 "Practise your back kick on that tree," he ordered. Dustpaw obliged reluctantly. When Hawkpaw had run four laps, Heartstorm told him to rest for a minute. 

                 "Alright, now let's just start with an easy spar," Heartstorm said finally. Hawkpaw nodded and faced Heartstorm. He leapt forward, swiping his front paw out and Heartstorm stepped back to dodge it. When they had finished, Sparkbelly was waiting impatiently. 

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