Ch. 9

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Heartpaw wrinkled his nose. The herbs smelt foul.  Deerpaw grimaced. 

            "Ew, I'm not eating that," she said. 

            "Yes you are," said Frogleap matter of factly. Eelpaw took a small bite. He grinned and gobbled it down. 

            "Tasted bad but I like it," he said then burped. Deerpaw stepped away from him. 

             "You're disgusting," she said. He stuck his tongue out at her and trotted out of the medicine cat den. Heartpaw took a deep breath and quickly chewed the herbs and swallowed. They were going to the Moonstone. He couldn't wait. Finally, Deerpaw followed Heartpaw's lead and they both slipped out of the medicine den towards the camp entrance were Moorpelt, Blacktail, Eelpaw and Beestripe. Beestripe was talking to Eelpaw. 

            "Any bad behaviour and you're not going to any Gathering till you become warrior," Beestripe was saying. Deerpaw's eyes went wide. Blacktail smiled at Heartpaw. 

            "All ready?" she asked. Deerpaw and Heartpaw nodded. 

             "Then we're off," said Moorpelt and the three apprentices followed their mentors out. They trotted towards the Moonstone. The morning was warm and a gentle breeze blew. Soon, they were out of RiverClan and Heartpaw was finding it hard to take in all the new smells and sights. They walked up a small hill of wild grass and bramble bushes. They found themselves on flat ground. The grass was short and the breeze blew more freely. In front of them towered a large thing. Heartpaw had never seen anything like it. He gaped. 

           "What is that?" he asked. 

           "That is a Twoleg den," explained Blacktail. Eelpaw and Deerpaw looked equally amazed. They made their way past the Twoleg den and smelt the strong scent of a monster. No cat or dog scent could be smelt. Soon, they entered the forest once more. New-leaf had brought small leaves to the trees. Flowers were starting to open and the nights were slowly getting longer. Heartpaw trotted after Blacktail, making sure to keep pace, he didn't want to be left behind. Soon, they climbed up another hill. The going was steep and tiring. Heartpaw's muscles were burning by the time they made it to the top. The evening had almost arrived. Finally, the mentors decided to call a break. 

             "We can stop here," decided Beestripe. Moorpelt nodded. 

             "I will take Deerpaw hunting," said Moorpelt. Beestripe and Blacktail nodded. 

             "I'm going to bring Eelpaw around, teach him a few things about the place," said Beestripe. 

              "Heartpaw, we're going hunting," said Blacktail, flicking her tail. Heartpaw followed her into the forest. Birds sung happily. He sniffed the air, he smelt vole. Blacktail had smelt it as well. Slowly, they crept towards the scent. Blacktail nodded slightly to Heartpaw. He spotted the vole through a few blades of grass. He could catch it. He stiffened and swiftly jumped. He felt the vole squirm in his claws and killed it quickly. Blacktail emerged from behind a tree. 

              "Good job," she said. "Let's get more." By the end of their hunting session, they had caught a vole and two small rabbits. They trotted back to the edge of the hill and rested in the shade of trees. Beestripe and Eelpaw joined them, congratulating them on their catch. Finally, Deerpaw and Moorpelt joined them. They had caught two rabbits and one pigeon. The put the prey down and nodded for the apprentices to choose first. Heartpaw took his vole. Deerpaw took a rabbit and shared with Eelpaw. Blacktail, Beestripe and Moorpelt took a rabbit to themselves. They ate slowly, relishing the cooling breeze and rest. Soon, they finished eating. Heartpaw was enjoying himself, laying at the top of the hill, feeling the breeze, resting, without any worries. He wished they could stay longer. Unfortunately, they had already wasted time and night was coming. Moorpelt signaled that it was time to go. This time, the walk was not as long. They marched through the forest and up a slight rocky hill. In the distance, they spotted the Moonstone. Heartpaw's heart beat faster. He had never been to the Moonstone. Pinestar had never taken him. Clawpelt had never taken him. But Blacktail was taking him. It was Deerpaw and Eelpaw's first time as well as they had not been apprentices for too long. Finally, they reached the entrance of the Moonstone. Heartpaw gazed up at the large pile of rocks, forming a sort of cave in front of him. This was the famous Moonstone. He was at the Moonstone. He couldn't help but shiver with excitement. A moon had risen in the sky and the sky was dotted by small stars. Moorpelt went first. He leapt into the entrance and was gobbled by darkness. Heartpaw gulped. Deerpaw wiggled her tail then quickly jumped after her mentor. Blacktail nodded for Heartpaw to follow. Taking a deep breath, he crouched and eyed the entrance. He leapt into the dark hole. He landed in darkness. He felt his feet thud onto cold, hard floor. The noise echoed along the tunnel. He couldn't see anything. He stood stock still, slightly scared. 

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