Ch. 14

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Heartpaw sunk into his comfortable nest. He listened to some of his Clanmates, talking softly. Deerpaw and Eelpaw were fast asleep. He wrapped his tail around his snout and closed his eyes. His Clanmates slipped into the warrior den and silence followed. He smiled blissfully, listening to the calm silence. An owl hooted loudly. A soft breeze blew into the apprentice den and ruffled his fur. 

Heartpaw looked up. He looked around. He was near a river. It rushed by quickly. He looked down at the reflection. He frowned. He saw other cats standing beside him. He swivelled around. Nobody was in sight. He was alone. He frowned and turned back to the river. There were cats staring back at him, including his own reflection. He shiver of fear tingled through him. He saw Brightheart. Her warm gaze fixed on him. It warmed his heart but on his other side was a dark grey cat, his eyes sharp and piercing. The cat Heartpaw had loved the most. Had looked up the most to. But now, this cat gave him shivers and cold fear spread through him. Stormpelt. He blinked. Stormpelt wasn't looking at him. He was looking at a cat a bit further away. He frowned. He saw recognised her. She was a golden tabby and smiled at him happily. He knew her. She was ShadowClan, Goldenheart. But what was she doing here? She wasn't supposed to be in StarClan. Cinderstar hadn't said anything about Goldenheart. Had she? Heartpaw raked his brain. On Cinderstar's side were two cats. No, kits. They were kits. He stared at them. There was something familiar about them. They both had the eyes of Stormpelt. Light blue, almost grey, dull but beautiful. One of them was a she-cat. She had light brown and white ruffled fur which was messy and puffy. She looked a bit like Goldenheart. The other cat had well groomed fur and sharp eyes. He looked exactly like Stormpelt. His fur was grey and his snout was held high. Goldenheart's reflection was beside them. 

              "Heartpaw," whispered a soft voice. Heartpaw jumped around. His eyes softened when he saw it was Brightheart. Her eyes were filled with love and sadness. She padded to his side and gave him a small affectionate lick. "I'm so sorry Heartpaw." 

              "What do you mean?" he asked. "Why?"

               "I'm so sorry...," whispered Brightheart. "So so sorry." 

                  "Brightheart, what happened?" asked Heartpaw confused. He didn't want Brightheart to be sad, it hurt his heart. 

                  "I'm sorry for what's going to happen to you. I'm sorry about Stormpelt." She looked at him with a gaze so filled with love Heartpaw wanted to stay with Brightheart forever. 

                  "Stormpelt? Oh.., it's ok. I erm, I'll get over it," Heartpaw said, finally understanding. She was talking about Stormpelt disowning him. 

                  "Come," said Brightheart. She flicked her tail and stood next to the river. "I think you know her." She nodded to Goldenheart. Heartpaw nodded. "Goldenheart. A great warrior. And I don't think you know those kits." Heartpaw shook his head. They looked familiar though. 

                  "I feel like I should know them," frowned Heartpaw. 

                   "That is Birdkit," said Brightheart. She was looking at the she-cat. "And that is Blizzardkit." Heartpaw frowned. He suddenly recalled something. The memory was distant. He tried to grab it. And suddenly, he remembered. He remembered Cinderstar saying they had two new kits. Blizzardkit and Birdkit. 

                   "They are Stormpelt and Goldenheart's kits," said Brightheart, acknowledging Heartpaw's thought. No. It couldn't be. His eyes filled with tears. He didn't want to believe it. 

                    "H-how? W-why?" whimpered Heartpaw, his voice broke. He knew Stormpelt thought Heartpaw had betrayed him but why had he betrayed Brightheart? 

                      "I should have know, I'm sorry," said Brightheart gently. "He was always reckless. I mean, he was mates with Gingerfern and Sandwing... I should have known when he had chosen me it wouldn't last. I'd seen it with other cats. I'm sorry Heartpaw." 

                     "But he always said he would stay with you forever. He loved you," protested Heartpaw like a stubborn kit. He sat down, his paws shaking.

                       "He did but..., it's just him. He couldn't help it," said Brightheart. 

                         "Those are his kits," said Heartpaw almost to himself. "Those are the kits he wants instead of me. Goldenheart is the cat he wants instead of... you." Brightheart looked away. 

                           "Heartpaw, it is not time to mourn for me," said Brightheart. "Stormpelt is my problem. He is in my Clan now. StarClan. But Blizzardkit, Birdkit and Goldenheart are your problem. 

                            "What do you mean?" asked Heartpaw. 

                             "Oh Heartpaw..., Blizzardkit is destined for great things. Great things. And Stormpelt has charged him with one thing to do," said Brightheart. 

                               "What is it?" asked Heartpaw. 

                                "To kill you." 

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