Ch. 51

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Cloudbreeze was pacing outside the nursery, looking extremely ruffled. His face was troubled and his brow deepened with every second. Heartstorm stood beside the nursery, listening carefully. Acornheart was kitting and giving awful screams. Heartstorm couldn't imagine what it was like for Acornheart. And for Cloudbreeze, having to wait outside, not being able to do anything. 

          "She's going to be fine," assured Heartstorm just as another shriek erupted from the nursery. He cringed at his words. "Frogleapt is with her." 

           "I know I know... but why can't I be with her?" Cloudbreeze said in despair. Moorpelt joined them nervously. 

            "She'll be alright," he told Cloudbreeze, not looking so sure himself. He smiled at Heartstorm.

              "Why can't I go in?" Cloudbreeze said angrily. He huffed and burst into the nursery. Moorpelt raised his eyebrows. 

             "He's going to be kicked out any moment now," Moorpelt said. They heard Frogleap yelling angrily then another scream but Cloudbreeze seemed to have been allowed to stay inside. Moorpelt shuddered. 

            "Agh," he said. "I can't take this anymore..." He padded away. Heartstorm waited, he wanted to see the newborn kits and Silverdrop. Heartstorm spotted Hawkflight trotting towards him. He beamed at him. 

            "How is Acornheart doing?" asked Hawkflight. A painful cry rang out. Hawkflight cringed. 

            "She'll- she'll be fine," nodded Heartstorm, his brow furrowed. "So, how was the vigil?" 

           "Cold," shivered Hawkflight. "Um Heartstorm.., you were a great mentor, you know." Heartstorm smiled gently. 

            "Thank you," he said. 

            "I just- it's weird being a warrior. I mean, I don't have to wake up wondering what I'm going to learn today because well- I've already learnt everything!" Hawkflight said. 

            "Don't worry, ask Reedpelt to go on a couple patrols. When you get a hang of it, you can lead a few patrols then you'll understand what it's like to be a warrior," Heartstorm told him. He remembered when he had just started being a warrior. It had been so weird. He had felt exactly like Hawkflight. 

             "Thanks Heartstorm, I'll start with that," Hawkflight nodded and tried to peer into the nursery. Frogleap barked at Hawkflight to get out. 

            "Sorry Frogleap," muttered Hawkflight. "I'll see you then Heartstorm. I'm going on a patrol." Hawkflight trotted away. Finally, Acornheart's wailing stopped and there was some murmuring. Then Frogleap burst out of the nursery. Another job done. He looked down at Heartstorm who was waiting at the den entrance, unsure whether to go inside. 

            "Well?" asked Frogleap. "What are you waiting for?" Heartstorm let out a breath of relief and slipped into the den. The floor was warm and sandy and the whole place seemed like a nice comfortable place. There was some quiet wailing. Heartstorm slowly padded nearer to Cloudbreeze who was crouched over Acornheart. He peered over Cloudbreeze and spotted two little kits. They were so tiny and hadn't even opened their eyes yet. Heartstorm's heart melted. Silverdrop was by Acornheart's side, smiling at the kits. Heartstorm slipped beside her and lay down to watch the new kits. 

          "They're beautiful," murmured Heartstorm. Acornheart looked up and beamed, her eyes shining. 

           "Thank you," she whispered. Cloudbreeze sunk to the ground, giving a nervous chuckle. 

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