Ch. 34

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Wind whistled past Heartstorm and the strong smell of ThunderClan flared in his nostrils. He felt a burst of anger and hatred to them. For what they had done to his Clanmates..., for what they had done to an apprentice. Reedpelt signalled for them to slow down. Suddenly, a large ThunderClan cat burst through the bushes towards them. Heartstorm didn't think. He leapt onto his enemy, claws unsheathed. He dug his claws into the enemy's soft snout and started raking his hind legs onto the warrior's side. Blinded, the warrior staggered back. Reedpelt glared the warrior with disdain, not even telling Heartstorm off. He the lunged forward and clawed at the warior's face. The warrior howled and tried to claw back and tried to back away at the same time. 

                "Check for more ThunderClan warriors!" instructed Reedpelt, snarling ferociously at the ThunderClan warrior. He fled whimpering loudly. "Stay in pairs!" Heartstorm turned to see Acornheart and Smallear streaking away. He let Eelfrost and Deerflame go together and joined Moorpelt's side. Together, they made their way towards the river. The stench of fresh blood reached Heartstorm's nose. He spotted the tunnel, ThunderClan cats had forced their way through. His fur rose at the sight of it and he eyed his surroundings. 

                  "They're still here," whispered Moorpelt suddenly. Heartstorm stiffened and listened. A fresh scent wafted up his nose. 

                  "They're waiting," he growled under his breath. "In the tunnel." Moorpelt nodded. 

                   "We can't take them on alone," he muttered. "Go get the others." Heartstorm refused. He wasn't leaving. Moorpelt growled. 

                     "I'm the senior warrior here, you'll do as I say," he said firmly and Heartstorm retreated. He raced away and spotted Acornheart, Smallear and Reedpelt. He halted in front of them. 

                     "They're in the tunnel, waiting!" informed Heartstorm. Reedpelt growled and turned to Smallear and Acornheart. 

                     "Acornheart, go report to Thornstar and ask for reinforcements. Smallear, get Eelfrost and Deerflame," ordered Reedpelt and he followed Heartstorm towards the tunnel. The air was still as they approached it. They joined Moorpelt's side. The ThunderClan warrior's wouldn't be able to see them from the tunnel and Heartstorm felt shivers of rage and hatred run through him. They heard some rustling and turned to see Eelfrost and Deerflame followed by Smallear. They all waited together, breathing softly. Suddenly, they was movement at the tunnel. Heartstorm let out a small growl and seven ThunderClan warriors burst out of the tunnel. Heartstorm hissed and sprang towards them. He didn't have to worry about Reedpelt holding him back or objecting. Reedpelt was right behind him, growling and snarling angrily. Heartstorm headed for the first cat he saw, filled with anger. How dare they invade RiverClan? He pounced on the enemy, digging his claws deep into the warrior's shoulder. He smelt blood and bit into the warrior's ear. He tasted sweet and warm blood on his tongue and bit harder. The ThunderClan cat thrashed and lashed back at Heartstorm but he hardly felt it. Bitter anger and the lust to avenge his Clanmates filled Heartstorm and he continued to bite the warrior until he went still. Heartstorm pushed the warrior away, who stumbled back and collapsed to the ground. The ThunderClan warrior's ear was almost torn apart and blood was seeping into he's eye but Heartstorm didn't care. He looked around and saw his Clanmates, battling against the cats. A few more ThunderClan warriors had joined, including the deputy. Heartstorm was about to hurtle at Waspnose (the ThunderClan deputy) but a cat wrestled him to the ground. The breath was knocked out of Heartstorm and he felt sharp claws pierce his shoulder. Something bit into the back of his neck and he lashed out angrily. He rolled over his attacker, a light brown tabby she-cat and slashed at her face. He knew that would cause the most damage. She wriggled away from him, blood pouring down a nasty gnash above her eye. Heartstorm felt a swell of smugness and happiness knowing he had caused it. She snarled at him and sprang at him, claws unsheathed. Heartstorm dodged just in time and caught her back leg. She stumbled but quickly regained balance before Heartstorm could do more damage. She lunged at his tail and caught it between her teeth. Heartstorm felt pain flare through him but didn't pay attention to it. He started to claw at her side and she tugged at his tail hard. Then another weight bashed into Heartstorm. He was pushed the ground and he felt the world blur around him. Another cat was attacking him. He clawed and bit hard, not knowing what was happening. The two ThunderClan cats worked together and all Heartstorm could do was writhe and growl, lashing out blindly. Suddenly, the weight was lift off him and Heartstorm took a deep fresh breath. Eelfrost, accompanied by Smoketail, had joined him. Smoketail ran back into the brawl but Eelfrost stayed back to help Heartstorm up. Thornstar had brought reinforcements. Now RiverClan was not outnumbered, ThunderClan was. 

                    "Let's get revenge," hissed Heartstorm and Eelfrost nodded in agreement. Heartstorm flung himself back into the battle and spotted Blacktail, having trouble with a large black she-cat. Heartstorm tackled the she-cat over and bit into her snout. Blood swelled around her snout and her eyes clouded with fear. She couldn't open her mouth but only lashed out her claws. Blacktail clawed at her side and finally, Heartstorm let go. The black she-cat stumbled back, whimpering and shooting withering looks to Heartstorm. 

                     "Make sure she gets out of our territory and stays out," Blacktail growled. Heartstorm nodded numbly and took the black she-cat by the scruff. He dug his teeth in hard, drawing blood to make sure ThunderClan never forgot their mistake of attacking RiverClan. He dragged her over sharp rocks and flung her under the tunnel. He heard some frantic scraping and spotted her fleeing from the other side of the river. Heartstorm watched with glee then turned back to the battle. The few ThunderClan warriors left were struggling and starting to back away. A white cat fled towards the tunnel with only a few scratches. Heartstorm thought he deserved more and lunged for the cat. The white cat struggled, giving Heartstorm a few hard blows to the head but Heartstorm managed to inflict a few more scratches and a bite to the cat before he slipped away. Finally, RiverClan was free of invading ThunderClan warriors. Heartstorm turned to see his Clanmates, panting, drenched in sweat and dripping in blood. Reedpelt, with a few nasty gashes to his side, shouted for anyone not too badly wounded to help the more wounded. Suddenly, Heartstorm spotted Silverdrop. He felt himself lighten up. She rushed to his side. She had a small scratch on her face and a few bites on her tail but otherwise looked fine. Heartstorm took a step towards her, looking worried. 

                       "Hey, are you ok?" he asked worriedly. 

                       "You're worse," Silverdrop replied. She let him lean on her and they made their way slowly back to camp alongside their other Clanmates. Finally, they reached camp where Frogleap was shouting out instructions and tending to the most badly wounded. He had gotten Rosepaw and Dustpaw to help give out cobwebs and poultices. Frogleap spotted Heartstorm and ordered him to the medicine den straight away. Heartstorm, too tired to object, limped to the medicine den, only now feeling tiredness spread through his body. He felt his muscles ache and his scratches, bites and wounds burning and searing with pain. Hawkpaw and Beestripe were in the medicine den. Hawkpaw was patched up but seemed to be in shock, staring into nothingness. Silverdrop helped Heartstorm to a nest and he collapsed. Frogleap bustled in and tended to Heartstorm immediately before barking orders to Rosepaw to pass Silverdrop a cobweb for one of her worst bites. Frogleap tended to Heartstorm who seemed to be in a haze and ordered him to stay and rest in the nest. Heartstorm didn't object. He rested his head in his paws and let his breathing slow. He hoped Hawkpaw would be alright. But soon, a wave of exhaustion hit Heartstorm and he felt himself sinking into dreams. 

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