Chapter 6

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Catherine sat at her desk looking through some papers. She wasn't sure why she was bothering, as she couldn't concentrate on a single word. All that was on her mind was Bash. She wondered just how they were supposed to keep such a secret, as Bash had suggested. With the way rumors flew around court, someone was bound to find out eventually. Catherine didn't particularly care about what most thought of her, but the thought of Francis finding out terrified her. He would most likely be furious. Especially at Bash, considering his prior attempt at stealing Mary from him. That thought made her stomach turn. Had the two of them? couldn't have...could they? She slammed the paper down and put her head in her hands, trying to force the thought out of her head.

Just then there was a knock at her door and the guard entered.

"Queen Mary to see you, your grace." he announced.

"Let her in." she answered. (Not the person she wanted to see after what she'd been thinking.)

"I hope I'm not disturbing you." Mary said as she entered.

"Not at all. In fact I could use an excuse as to why I haven't finished going over these yet." she said tossing the papers back on the desk.

"I um, didn't want to bother you with such things, but I really don't know who else to talk to." she said feeling a bit awkward.

"Is something the matter?" she asked.

"It's just, it's about Francis...and Lola. I don't think I'm handling things very well. I don't mean to open up old wounds but, I thought...well I thought..."Mary wasn't sure how to finish.

"You thought I might understand your predicament." she understood. Mary nodded. "I suppose if anyone would, it would be me...There's really no good way to handle a situation like this Mary. I do feel for you but I'm afraid I can't be of much help. I didn't handle it well myself."

"But you lived with it all these years. How did you...I mean Bash is still here and you don't even complain. How do you do it? Every time I see Francis hold...his...son...It kills me. I'm sorry, I know he's your grandson, but..." Catherine tried to pretend Mary hadn't brought up Bash.

"No. It's alright. It's difficult for me too. I love him, but when I see him it scares me that Francis is turning into his father. As far as not complaining about things, what good does that do my dear? You just have to remember that Francis loves you. That's the one guarantee I never had." she assured patting her hand. The guard knocked on the door again.

"King Francis wishes to see you both in the throne room." he informed them.

"We should go." Catherine said as she rose from her chair. Bash walked down the hall as the two queens exited Catherine's chambers. Catherine was taken aback a bit, not expecting to see him at that moment. Bash's body language became a little awkward as he noticed Mary was accompanying her.

"Good morning ladies." he said with a nod of his head.

"Good morning Bash. What are you doing in this end of the castle so early in the morning?" Mary asked.

"I...I um" he looked at Catherine then quickly looked away again not wanting Mary to see. "I...was...heading to the stables." he said. Catherine noticed his searching for something to say and realized he must have been coming to see her. She tried to hold back a grin.

"Before breakfast?" Mary wondered.

"Oh I...I'm not really hungry. Just felt like getting an early start...Hope you have a good day." he said and quickly hurried off.

"Well that was odd. Is it just me or was he acting a bit strangely?" Mary asked. As the two of them continued down the hall.

"Perhaps...his...situation with Kenna, makes him uncomfortable around you. Well, since she's your friend." Catherine suggested.

"Well that's silly, that should give him no reason to feel uncomfortable." she said.

"It could, considering you two used to be engaged." she countered.

"We were, but it's not as though our relationship went far enough that we can't still be friends." she said. Catherine sighed, relieved at Mary's answer.

"Well he's a man, who knows what goes on in their minds. I wouldn't worry about it." she said. 'This is going to be more difficult than I thought. God tell me I haven't made a huge mistake.' Catherine thought.

After Catherine had finished her meeting with Francis and Mary she headed back toward her room. As she was heading down the hall, an arm reached out and yanked her into a nook in the corridor that couldn't be seen by passers by. She spun around quickly to see that it had been Bash who had grabbed her. He put an arm around her waist and pulled her towards him.

"I didn't get to properly wish you a good morning earlier." he said pulling her into a kiss and then pulling back a bit. "Good Morning." Catherine pulled his arm from around her.

"Bash you shouldn't do things like that. Somebody could've seen you." she scolded while trying to peer into the hallway to make sure no one had been there.

"Don't worry I made sure no one was around." he assured her while trying to pull her in again. Catherine slowed his attempt.

"I think we need to come up with some sort of ground rules, because if you keep going on like this, we are bound to get caught and I can't have Francis know about this." she said.

"Rules. You only need rules when you are playing a game and assure you I'm not." he told her. She smiled at that a bit.

"Alright maybe 'rules' is the wrong word. But you can't randomly yank me from the halls whenever you see fit. That's not going to work." she was getting nervous and started looking around again.

"Okay then, maybe some sort of meeting place is in order." he allowed. "The garden perhaps, but how will we know when the other wants to meet?" she slipped a handkerchief out from her sleeve and stuck it in his pocket.

"Slip it under my door." she told him and grinned. He grinned back and pulled her in for a kiss. She let him kiss her for second and then pushed him away and smiled. "Save it for later."

"I shall be counting the minutes." He told her as she walked away.

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