Grocery Store

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I woke up this morning and heard voices coming from downstairs. It was my mom and Tom talking. I got out of bed and took a long warm shower. When I got out I put on a pair of regular blue skinny jeans and a white shirt with a black and white Aztec patterned cardigan. After I was dressed I went to the back to the bathroom to brushed my hair, dry it, put it up in a bun and brush my teeth. I was now completely ready for the day. I walked downstairs and said good morning to both Tom and my mom. Tom handed me a plate with an egg and two pieces of bacon and a slice of toast. I sat down at ate my breakfast. After I ate I cleaned up.

"What are we doing today?"

I asked.

"Well we have to take your mom home then we have to go to the store."


As I was about to reply back I was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. It wasn't Tom's phone and it wasn't my moms phone, it was mine. I ran upstairs and looked at the screen, it was Joss. I answered it. He called me to tell me the date and time of the premier. When I was done talking on the phone I went back downstairs. Tom asked me if I was ready to go. Tom, my mom and I went to the car. My mom gave Tom the directions to her house from ours. When we got to her house Tom and I walked her to her door. Once she was in her house we said bye and left. We were now on our way to the grocery store. When we got to the grocery store Tom and I grabbed a small shopping cart. We walked through the store with the list of groceries. As we got what we needed we checked it off the list. Once we got everything on the list we went to the cash register and checked out. I helped Tom load the groceries in the car. As we were about to get in the car a group of teenage girls stood and watched us. They were whispering to each other. One of the girls stepped up and asked for and autograph and a picture with Tom. Tom kindly accepted. The girls told me to get in the picture with them. After there autographs and pictures we said bye and got in the car and drove home. I helped Tom unload the groceries and put them either in the fridge or the pantry. When we were done with the groceries I plopped myself down on the couch and watched some tv. Tom came and joined me six minutes later.


It is now fife thirty, almost dinner time. I was up in my room reading a book when Tom called me down for dinner. Tom made pasta with tomato sauce. The pasta was really good and the sauce was good too. After dinner I went back upstairs to finish reading the book. I was reading until I was interrupted by a noise coming from my phone. It was a twitter notification and a text message. The text was from Scarlett asking me if I wanted to go shopping with her tomorrow to get a dress for the premier. I asked Tom if I can go and he said yes. I texted Scarlett back and then went back to reading my book.


When I finished reading my book it was elven at night. I decided it was time to go to bed so I got changed and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went back to my room and laid in my bed until I fell asleep which didn't take long.

Adopted by Tom (Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now