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I had waken up this morning terrified because of the nightmare I had. In my nightmare I had waken up in a room with light grey walls. No furniture just a door and a window. I walked out the door and there was one hallway with various doors. I walked through the doors and they brought me back to the same hallway leading to my room I was getting nervous and I screamed "TOM!" "TOM!" I started to cry thinking that I was going to be here forever. When I woke up Tom was next to my bed.

"You screamed my name a few times so I thought something was wrong."

He looked worried. I gave Tom a tight hug I stared to cry.

"It's ok darling, it was just a bad dream."

No one talked for a few minutes.

"How about you get cleaned up and I will make you your favorite, blue berry pancakes."

I didn't say anything I just walked to the bathroom and washed the salty tears from my face and I brushed my teeth. I walked down stairs. Tom was cooking the pancakes.

"How do you feel?"


"How is your knee?"

I had totally forgotten about that.

"Oh uh it feels a lot better."

"Well that's good."

It was silent in the kitchen. Tom brought the pancakes and two plates and two forks to the table. I had one pancake and Tom had two. We ate in silence. After we ate we cleaned up. I went upstairs to go change into sweatpants and a red t- shirt. I checked my phone and I had no messages or calls like normally. I put my phone in my pocket. I stayed in my room for a little bit and just sat on my bed. I walked down stairs. While walking down the stairs I noticed my knee started to hurt a little. I got to the couch then I heard Tom walk down the stairs. Tom sat on the couch next to me.

"Are you sure your fine?"

He had broken the silence.

"Yea why?"

"Well darling your not talking as much as usual it's eleven fifteen and you barley have even said anything."

I didn't say anything for a few seconds I just looked at him. I gave him a hug.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired."

"Darling if you are tired go take a nap."

I walked upstairs and went into my room for a nap. The comforter made me feel warm and cozy. I stared to fall asleep. Five hours later I woke up. I looked at the clock and it was four pm. I got out of bed and went down stairs.

I felt so much better now that I did hours ago.

"Good afternoon. Do you feel better."

"Much better."

"Great because we are having a guest over."

"Who is coming over?"

*Knock Knock*

I walked to the door to answer it. I opened to door and saw Benedict Cumberbatch standing at the door.

"Hello, Darling."

He said to me

"Hello Mr. Cumberbatch."

"Sweetie call me Ben no need to call me Mr. Cumberbatch."



Tom shouted.

"TOM. How are you?"

"Great, come in, come in"

Benedict took his shoes off at the door and entered.

I shouted "I will be right back." as I ran up the stairs. I ran into my room grabbed my sketch book and a marker. I ran back down stairs.

"Can you sign this."

I asked as I flipped to the drawing of Benedict.

"Of course! This is amazing! Tom look at this she has an amazing talent!"

"Thank you"

I said as my face turned red. He signed the drawing for me.

"May I look at the rest of these drawings?"

"Yeah go ahead."

Tom and Benedict sat on the couch leaving a spot in between them for me. I sat in the space. They flipped through the images.

"Darling these are magnificent, keep doing what you're doing."

Tom said.

"I agree. I would love to have this talent."

I just smiled I did not reply back. They kept flipping through the pictures. They stopped at one picture and stared at it. It was a picture I drew at the orphanage of someone blurting out words people would call me most were hurtful and some were nice. I had totally forgotten about that picture. Tom and Benedict both looked like they were gonna say something but they didn't. It was silent in the house until Tom managed to say something.


I started to cry because of the flashbacks I had in the orphanage. It went to complete silence other than my sniffling. Tom looked like he was about to cry and Benedict looked like he was going to also. I got up and ran to my room. I locked the door and sat under the blankets crying. Tom ran up after me. He knocked on the door a few times.

"Darling, unlock the door."


I shouted back.

Tom laid his head on the door. I heard small little quiet nosies coming from outside the door. It was Tom crying. Tom crying made me want to cry even more.

"Tom stop crying."

Benedict was still down stairs sitting silently.

"Can you open the door?"

I opened the door because Tom was crying and it breaks my heart to hear him cry. Tom walked into my room and sat on the bed next to me.

"Darling, you didn't have to listen to those people."

"I know."

"All those hurtful things they said about you are wrong."

I didn't reply I just looked away.

"Just remember I am always here for you. If you ever need to talk I will find time or take time off to talk to you. I promise."

"Thank you."

I gave him a tight hug. We walked downstairs. Benedict handed me my sketch book to put away. I went upstairs and put the sketch book away. When I was upstairs I washed up. When I came back down stairs both Tom and Ben looked at me.

"Well I have to go."

Ben said.

"Uh bye."

I said.

"Bye darling."

"See ya later Benny."

Tom said.


Benedict left the house.

"I'm gonna go to bed."

I said.

"It's only 6:53 pm, don't you think it's a bit early to go to bed."


"Ok. Good night."

I went upstairs and wrapped the blankets around myself. I did a lot of thinking before I actually fell asleep at 7:30. Tom was still downstairs. He was watching a movie but then he stopped and went to bed.

Adopted by Tom (Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now