Morning Run

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It was a new day. I got up and went directly down stairs. I saw Tom getting ready to go for a morning run.

"Do you want to come for a run with me?"

Tom asked.

"Yea sure, let me just get ready."

I went upstairs and put on a pair of leggings and a light grey v-neck. I put on some deodorant really fast then I went back downstairs. I ran back upstairs because I needed my phone, headphones and a sweatshirt. I was finally ready. I ran downstairs.



We walked outside. It was quite chilly for nine am almost ten so I put on my sweatshirt, plugged in my headphones then turned on some music. I put on the song Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones. We started to walk to the park. Once we got to the park we broke into a jog. Tom and I were going at the same pace for about a minute then he was ahead of me by two feet. I started to run faster. We got up to the same pace again. The beat of my music was getting faster. The beat made me speed up. I had passed Tom by a few feet. I kept on running and running. Tom was still behind me. I stepped on my untied shoe lace and I fell. This time I don't have bad injuries. My palms were a bit scraped but they weren't bad. Tom stopped and waited for me. I tied the lace tightly and then I checked the other shoe it see if it was tightly tied. I got up and stared running again with Tom running by my side.

"Do you want to go to the coffee shop?"

He asked me.

"Uh yea."

I said almost out of breath. We walked the rest of the way to the coffee shop. I turned off my music and put everything in my pockets. When we got there Tom and I got our regular double double coffee. We sat at our normal booth in the corner. I just wanted to lay down. I was exhausted from that run. It was longer than a usual one. Tom said something but I wasn't really paying attention.


I said.

"Do you want to go to the bookstore?"

"Yes I love the bookstore."

We got up threw our stuff out and left the coffee shop. We walked to the bookstore since it wasn't too far from the coffee shop. It was actually only two buildings away from the coffee shop. We entered the bookstore and I went to the young adult section and Tom followed me. I browsed the shelves of books. Tom picked up a book.

"Hey Lex what about this one?"

Tom said as he handed me the book.

It was "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green. I read the back of the book.

"This one seems good."

I said.

He kept browsing the shelves. He kept handing me books. When he was done he had a stack of six books total. Tom was carrying some and I was carrying some. When we were walking to the cash register I dropped the books. It made a loud noise. People looked at me as I picked up the books. I got to the cash register and the lady scanned the books. I carried one bag and Tom carried the other. We walked back home. It was a short walk home since we took a different route. When we got home I put the bag on the kitchen table and I went upstairs to take a warm shower. I changed into a pair of yoga pants and a purple t-shirt. I went back downstairs and grabbed one of the bags of books and looked for my book.

"Can you do me a quick favor while I take a shower?"

Tom asked.

"Yea sure what is it?"

"Can you put those books on the book shelf upstairs."

I grabbed the books and went upstairs. I put the books on one of the empty shelves. I noticed my script for The Avengers was there on the desk. I picked it up and started reading it. When Tom got out of the shower I asked him if he can help me go over the lines. We went over the lines. There were only a few I could not remember. I stared the ones that I need to work on. Tom went downstairs to go make some lunch. I stayed upstairs. Tom called me downstairs ten minutes later, lunch was ready.

"Uhm this looks good!"

I said. Tom had made pasta with a cream sauce. I took my first bite. It was delicious. I kept on eating it.

"How is it?"

Tom asked.

"It is amazing as always."

He smiled back. I finished my pasta and I cleaned up my plate. I went outside to take the trash out. A car beeped at me and the person waved. I couldn't really tell who it was. I went back inside. I went upstairs to get my sweatshirt because it was kinda cold in the house. I noticed my phone had gone off. I looked at it and it was a text message from Indio.

Indio: Hey do you want to go to the movies with me?

I went downstairs and found Tom.

"Uh um can I go to the movies with Indio?..."

I asked Tom.

"Yes, but be home by nine..."


I texted Indio back.

Me: Uh yes I would love to. What time?

Indio: At two thirty?

Me: ok see ya

I went back upstairs into my room. I changed into a red sweater with black leggings. I got my messenger purse and put twenty bucks and my phone in there. I fixed my hair so it was a bit neater and not so messy. I went downstairs. Tom gave me a quick run through the rules. Indio knocked on the door. I opened it then I walked out saying bye to Tom. I got into the car and we drove off.

"Hello beautiful!"

He said to me.


I said back giggling.

"What movie do you want to see?"

"Captain America??"

"It sounds good."

When we got to the movies we got our tickets and a large popcorn which we shared. When we got to our theater he let me pick the seats. I picked the very last row at the top. We waited for the movie to start. My phone had vibrated.

I turned the brightness down so it wasn't so bright. I got a text message from Robert.

Robert: Watch out he might eat all the popcorn.

I giggled. Indio looked at me. I looked back at him and I put my phone away. The movie was starting. I was getting really exited. I sat silently for the whole movie. When the movie was done I was so amazed on how good it was. I got my phone out and texted Tom and told him the movie was done. It was five pm. We started to walk out of the theater. When we got to the car Indio drove me back home. He didn't come into the house. I saw Tom in the kitchen talking on the phone while trying to make dinner. I offered to help. He was making chicken salad. I put the salad together while Tom grilled the chicken. When Tom got off the phone he asked me how the movie was and I said amazing. I set the table with plates, napkins and a fork. Tom finished off the dinner. We sat at the table and ate our dinner. After dinner I went upstairs and read my book for four hours while Tom was downstairs doing other stuff. I was almost done with it but I was getting tired so I had decided to stop. I brushed my teeth and changed into pajamas and then went to bed.

Adopted by Tom (Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now