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It was nine fifteen in the morning and Tom was in my room waking me up. I didn't want to get up but I had to.

"Come on get up, you have stuff to do."

Tom said to me. He left the room when he noticed I was awake. I got out of the bed and grabbed a pair of black leggings, a white tank top and a yellow and black plaid shirt. I got dressed and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and put my hair in a bun. I walked down stairs and Tom was making breakfast. Whatever he was making smelled really good. While Tom was cooking I got out two plates, two glasses and two forks. I went to the fridge and got out the bottle of orange juice and set it on the table. Tom came to the table with a plate of blueberry pancakes and set it in the middle of the table. We both sat down at the table. I had two pancakes and Tom had three. When breakfast was over we cleaned up. I started to wash the dishes when Tom insisted that he washed them. After we cleaned up I went upstairs to go pack. I got out my red suit case from my closet and placed it on the bed. I had no idea what to pack. I looked up the weather in New York. The weather for the week was a mix of cold and rainy and sunny and hot. I browsed through my dresser drawers and closet to see what I should pack. I slowly found clothes that I should pack. I packed three pairs of skinny jeans, one pair of leggings, one dress, a hoodie, undergarments, three pairs shorts, one pair of sweatpants, two pairs of socks, and eight shirts. Then I walked to the bathroom and grabbed my make up pouch, a brush, some hair ties and my tooth brush and a small tube of tooth paste and put them in the suitcase. The only thing I needed were my shoes. I put in a pair of black flip flops and flats. Next I grabbed my messenger purse and put my phone charger, phone, headphones, and my wallet all in there. I grabbed the suit case and the purse and walked downstairs. I dropped the suit case and it rolled down the stairs making a loud noise every step it hit. Tom was startled by the noise. He grabbed the suit case for me and put it next to the door for me. I walked down stairs and sat on the couch. It was now ten fifty five. Tom had an interview to go to at eleven so he had to leave. I stayed home and watched tv. Tom didn't come home until one. He said that he wanted to spend the rest of the day with me. The seven hours I spent with Tom before I had to leave went by really fast. It was eight pm and I had to leave. Chris Evans came and picked me up. I put my shoes on and grabbed my suit case. Tom opened the door for me and put my case in the car. Before I left Tom gave me the biggest and tightest hug ever. Tom told me to call him when we got there and not to get in trouble. We said our goodbyes and then I left. The ride to the airport wasn't silent the whole time. Me and Chris talked for most of the ride. When we got to the airport we meet up with everyone else. All eight of us went through all of stuff you normally go through at airports. Instead of us being on a plane with a bunch of people, the eight of us were on a separate plane. When we got on the plane I sat in the window seat I while Chris Evans sat next to me. When everyone was sitting in their own seat, buckled up the plane started to take off. This was my first time being on a plane. I was nervous but it wasn't showing. The plane ride from Los Angeles to New York was five hours and twenty three minutes. Once we got in the air everyone was talking. An hour went by on the plane and it was now nine thirty. I decided I was going to get some sleep. I rested my head against the window until I fell asleep. I slept for four hours on the plane. I was awakened by the turbulence and my head was on Chris' shoulder. We had ten minutes left on the plane so I just looked out the window. The plane ride wasn't that bad. When we landed it was one in the morning. We all got out of the plane and paparazzi were waiting for us. They were taking pictures of us while we walked to the baggage claim. While waiting for the baggage I took out my phone and turned it on. I texted Tom and told him we landed. We all found our bags and went outside and got a taxi. We meet up at a nice hotel. We had to share rooms with some one. I shared a room with Scarlett. When we got to our rooms there were two beds one for me and one for Scarlett. I changed into pajamas and snuggled up on the couch and fell asleep.

Adopted by Tom (Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now