Shorter Day

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When I got up it was seven am. We had a shorter day today since we worked a lot yesterday. Scarlett was up already. I walked over to my suit case and then the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and put on a pair of dark grey sweatpants and a purple short sleeve shirt. As I was walking out of the bathroom there was a knock at the door. Before I even was able to get to the door Scarlett had answered it. It was Mark asking if we wanted to go out for breakfast with Chris E. and Robert. Both Scarlett and I said yes. I grabbed my bag and we walked out the door. I honestly didn't care about what I was wearing. When we got to the lobby there were not as many paparazzi as normally. When we got outside we hailed a taxi and went to a cafe a few blocks away from the hotel. We entered into the cafe a group of teenage girls stared at us. When we got to the counter Mark insisted that he payed for our orders. Once we got our orders we found a small booth near the corner of the cafe. I was sitting next to Chris and Scarlett while Robert and Mark sat next to each other. We sat down and talked about a bunch of different things. After we drank our coffee and ate our food we left the cafe. After the cafe we had to go to work. When we got to work it was nine thirty am. I got out of the car and went to my trailer. I got ready for filming. Today took a bit longer with the special make up effects. Once I was done I went out to film.


After we filmed a couple of scenes, Joss called it a day. I went back to my trailer and put my regular clothes on. I got out of my trailer and waited for everyone else. Once everyone else was done we headed back to the hotel. While we were in the car my stomach growled loudly. Scarlett suggested we went out for dinner. We all thought that was a good idea so we settled on a place to eat. Once we got back to the hotel I sat down for a few minutes. Later I dug through my suit case a decided on what I was going to wear. I changed into a pair of black leggings and a white tank top with a black and white plaid shirt. I also put my hair in a neat bun. I was completely ready. After ten minutes we were all ready. We got a cab and went to a restaurant three blocks away from the hotel. The restaurant we chose was Chilis. We sat down and looked through the menus. About five minutes later we ordered our food. We talked until the waiter came back with our food. It took us fifteen minutes to eat our meals. Once we were done we split the check. We went back to the hotel at eight pm after dinner. I changed back into my sweats and sat on my bed. Scarlett and I ended up watching "Finding Nemo" since it was on the tv. About an hour and fifteen minutes into the movie I fell asleep.

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