Part 16-Bar Town

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"WAKEEEEE UPPP!" i scream down Noah's ear.

"No." He replies.

"But it's my birthday." I pout. With that his eyes instantly snap open.

"Do I look like I care?" He smirks.

"You should care."

"Why?" He answers confidently.

"Because you've got no shirt or trousers on, I'm in my pyjamas,we are in the bed together and it's 9am."


"So mum and Marcus will be coming in the room in 3...2...1." The door comes crashing open.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILS." They say at the same time. I wonder how long they have been planning that. Mum walks over to the bed. I see her eyes fall down to Noah's six pack but she quickly regains herself. She hands me a box. I give her a confused look but open the present anyway. There lays a pandora bracelet. But that's not the thing my mind is focusing on. It's the present Marcus is holding.

"Awh thankyou mum." I give her a small hug and gain eye contact with Marcus when I glance back over at the other present.

"You and I both know you want to know what's in that other present,go on." My mum ushers and Marcus gives me a kiss on the cheek and I take the present. I take a seat on the couch and carefully take the paper off. Just kidding I rip the paper to shreds like there's no tomorrow. My jaw drops when I see the newest Macbook Pro Air sititng in front of me.

"Well we knew that your other one recently broke,very randomly." Marcus glares at Noah.

"Whoopps." Noah grins whilst placing his finger on his chin.

*Throwback 6 weeks ago*

"NOAH WHY ARE YOU IN MY SHOWER?" I scream through the door.

"I prefer yours." He replies casually through the door.


"Babe I can't even see you." That one comment tips me over the edge and I barge into MY bathroom, I take him by the ear, thankfully he has a towel on,and drag him out. I run into my bathroom and lock the door. Thats when I hear a thud. I slowly open my door and take in Noah's appearance. His hair is wet, his towel is low hung so I can see his v lines,and his snail trail. Quite attractive I must add. His sixpack has water droplets rolling down it. He smirks when he realises I'm looking so I pretend to shake it off.

"What was the noise?" I ask going to the window and that's when I see my perfect macbook lying on the ground outside,smashed.

"Whoops is all he says." I repeatedly pound against his chest. My baby,my poor,poor baby.

*End of throwback*

"Thankyou,thankyou." I give my mum a kiss and then I give Marcus a hug.

"Dont sweat it hun." Mum says casually. Seriously mum,you're not 15. "Right now,we have something to talk about." She says seriously and my heart instantly starts pumping. Her and Marcus take a seat on the couch whilst me and Noah sit on the end of the bed.

"We've been thinking." Mum starts.

"Did it hurt?" Noah asks and I laugh along with him,however Marcus and Mum sit there with straight faces.

"We don't think we can allow this relationship." They say sternly.

"W..Why n..not?" I croak, afraid of letting the tears fall.

"It's not right. Your relationship,it's just not right. I mean what if one day you get married? What if people think wait, why have they all got the same name? Surely that's not right? Why doesn't Lily have her own name? What are we going to do then?" My mum asks.

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