part 14-Stressed

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I stare in awe. I'm pretty sure that my jaw must be attached to the ground right now. Never did I expect that. Who would have thought it? My stepbrother admitting his feelings for me. The same stepbrother I was convinced I hated. I guess when they say there is a thin line between love and hate they're telling the truth.

I go to speak but thats when I see Noah's lips making their way towards mine. My heart rate increases rapidly and I  swear the butterflies in my belly must have just conceived and delivered more babies in this instant. I must have a whole friggin sanctuary of butterflies floating around in there.

His lips eventually reach mine and I feel the sparks shoot through my whole body. Only joking. It's not that cliche. I have standards,geez. I wasnt going to say I felt the fireworks right there. Because,you know what? I didn't feel fireworks when his lips connected with mine. It was like a grenade went off in my stomach. I didn't know what it was but the sudden urge to puke came quickly.

I quickly stepped back from Noah and ran to the bathroom. That was when I emptied the entire contents of my stomach out into the toilet. Feeling slightly annoyed with myself I heard footsteps approaching. My head felt too heavy to lift so I rested my forehead on the toilet seat. It was when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist to hold my hair back that my heart went into overdrive.

"It's okay Lils,it's fine, I'm here." He says soothingly as the tears start to fall.


Half an hour later I had finished puking up the remains in the my stomach and Noah sat with me the whole way through. It made me feel as though someone did actually care about me. After that we sat and watched a film for a little while but then he complained he had to run some errands. I'm lost without his presence now.


"Hey stranger." Josie says as she enters my hotel room.

"I take it you're having withdrawels from all of this?" I say ushering to my body sarcastically.

"You know it bitch."She says as she slumps down next to me. Now is the time where I debate whether to tell her. She could either go into 'I told you so' mode or even worse 'babynaming'.

"How was Noah?" She asks out of the blue. I choke on the drink I was having and wonder how she knows.

"What do you mean?" I say trying to compose myself.

"I saw him come up here?" She says questiongly. "Wait did you do something?" She points her finger accusingly at me.

""I stutter.

"Do you know that you're worse at lying than my brother." She laughs.

"Your brother is two..." I say quietly.

"Exactly. However,when we ask him if it was him who linedhis trains up on the bloody dog he can still produce a better lie than you." She nudges my shoulder. "Come on then,spill."

"Okay,so we kissed..."


I woke up with my head back to normal today. I was expecting a huge headache after Josie trying to talk to me for hours on end. I mean seriously some people need an off button. I think I know a few people who would need one.

I steadily got myself out of bed,although the shooting pains through my stomach weren't a great help. I shower quickly but remember to wash all of the shampoo out. I have a habit of leaving it in,stupid I know. After my shower I take out my makeup bag and put a light layer of foundation on to give my face a little colour. Without it I would honestly look like the walking dead. It's a sight I can tell you that much. I apply some mascara and pull out a pair of aztec shorts and a vest top. I place a kimono over top and slip into my white converse. I place my aviators on my head and walk downstairs to the main lobby. The smile stretches across my face as I still can't absorb the fact Noah kissed me. Noah kissed me. Noah kissed me. He actually kissed me. But then I was sick. But he still tried to kiss me. Awh man,what if I was sick in his mouth? Oh dear Lord,help me. Please tell me that didn't happen.

When I reach the lobby I look around for Josie and the others. My heart does a somersault. However,it's not a good one. It's a bad one. It's one where it goes tumbling over and you break a few bones. My eyes land upon Noah who is sitting next to Lilah. Guys,that's not why I'm annoyed. I'm not the obssesive girlfriend. Wait,I'm not even the girlfriend. My eyes lock with Noah's hand which is carefully placed onto Lilah's thigh. I cringe at the sight and walk over. I sit down next to Josie with a straight face,whilst Lilah sits and smirks. I look up into Noah's eyes and they're emotionless. I can't even tell what is going through his mind.

I turn my head to Josie who looks at me sympathetically. Now this is where I'm going to eat. I need to eat. I don't care if I get fat. I need to eat. Not proper food, I want crappy food. Desserts,ummmm desserts. Do you know why you need desserts when you're stressed? No? Really? I'll tell you then. Well stressed backwards is Desserts. So theroteically the typical thing to do would be to eat a dessert.

I walk up to the buffet. Disappointment fills me. It's not I realise that it's morning for goodness, there isn't going to be any bloody desserts at breakfast. this boy is making me delusional.

That's when my eyes lock with the most perfect thing to ever live on this planet.

It's beautiful.

It makes me happy.

It's taste.

It's lushious locks.

Joking! It doesn't really have hair. It's nutella for goodness sake! I see a large tub of it lying on the side and that's when I take my moment to grab a spoon and slip the jar under my top.

I discretely walk back to the table. I say discretely,however, It looked like I was pregnant with a baby. It would be a funny shaped baby,but a baby at the least. I sit down and rip the lid and paper off. My spoon digs into this chocolatey,hazelnut heaven. I shove a large spoonful of it into my mouth and give a sigh of lust. If only nutella was a person. If nutella was a person,he would want me, I know he would.

Thats when I see the note that's been placed on my chair. After spooning another large spoonful in I stare down at the note.

~It was a mistake yesterday,forget about it~

My heart may have broken into a million pieces. I felt absolutely crushed. What a... what a.. what a slef absorbed jerk. He thought I wanted him. pfttt. Really? He's ugly anyway. Okay,so that's a lie. But.

My feet carry me over to Joe's seat and before I have time to respond to my body's wild actions, I'm plonked down onto his lap and my lips crash against his....


Authors Note:

This was so hard to write and I don't even know why and it still turned out bad. Sorry:/ Haven't uploaded in ages but the reads are going up! I was so suprised when this story reached the 2k point. Thankyou,for reading and there will be a lot more to come for this story. So remember to keep voting:-)x

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