The player is my stepbrother?

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"I'm not moving mum I swear down the only way I'm leaving is for you to drag me kicking and screaming." I scream to my mum down the stairs.

"If that's the only option Lily-Ann you know I will!" She shouts back at me. I let out a groan and slump down onto my bed.

"Mum,you haven't even told me why we are leaving!"

"Lils, it's a surprise I've told you that." Bet it won't be a good one I say to myself. "what did you say Miss Ann?" My mum shouts coming up the stairs.

"Nothing." I reply and with that she storms into my bedroom.

"Lily,you haven't even packet yet." She says almost pulling her hair out.

"I will,but leave me alone."

"The removal van is coming in an hour."

"Whatever mum,I'll be ready." With that she leaves the room and leaves the door open a tiny bit. "Mum you haven't even shut my door." I hear her thudding footsteps come back up the stairs. She angrily shuts my door.

"I swear Lily you're so demanding!"

"Well we both know who I get it from!" I scream at her.

Me and mum normally have quite a good relationship but she's so stressed because we are moving. Yes I said moving. You see, we live in Lancaster and she's moving me all the way to LA! No I am not one of these girls who would love to visit hollywood. She hasn't even told me why we are leaving. She's making me leave my friends,my pets,my school and my home for a 'surprise'. A 17 year old girl like me doesn't want to be leaving college. I'm a straight A student and moving me around is going to mess with it like crazy.

The tears I put my best friend Josie through when I told her I was leaving was atrocious. She sat for hours crying,trying to comfort a friend I know I have to leave isn't as easy as you'd think.

Leaving is my idea of hell. I love Lancaster. I love everything here. I have to leave my crush Braden Johnson who I have liked for almost 5 years. I guess the good thing is I get to leave my ex-boyfriend Jack he was an a**.

I must admit I'm quite an attractive girl and I'm not going to say the boys didn't look at me because they did. But,even though i have some looks I'm not a bitch. A lot of people often tell me how much they love my personality. No matter how hard things were at home I wanted everyone else to be happy. My dad and brother died in a car crash and I've been an only child ever since. This event took place 4 years ago and I never really recovered but my mum did. It was harder for her to lose my brother Brad but my dad and her were split so she wasn't really affected. As long as everyone else was happy it kind of made me forget about my dad and brother for a little while.

I jump up from my bed and throw everything from my wardrobe into boxes. My mum does do well for herself and we are quite well off. I have mostly designer stuff but I wouldn't say I'm spoilt. I mean I donate to orphanages every month. As if I have nice stuff why shouldn't they?

After 30 minutes of packing all of my stuff into boxes the removal men come and take my wardrobe and bed and chuck it out of the window. Mum comes and claps her hands excitedly.

"Mum they're breaking my stuff."

"It doesn't matter sweetie."

"It kind of does mum?"

"No I've requested all new furniture for your bedroom for the house."

"I liked this furniture though!" I whine.

"Stop moaning."

"Kk,why do we have a removal van if we are getting the plane to LA?"

"Oh the removal men are just taking all of our belongings to the private jet for when we leave." Forgot to mention we have a private jet did I? Yeah my dad was extremely well off and it was said in his will that he left the private jet for me.

"Makes sense." I shrug.

After putting all of the boxes in the van we hop in and travel to the airport in the removal van. After a long 4 hours to the airport I finally leap out of the van and it's such a joy to be able to feel my legs.

Bertie and joe put all of the boxes into the jet and after exchanging hugs we are on the way to LA!

"I'm so excited." My mum says squeezing my hand.

"At least one of us is." I snort.

"Hunny,you will love it." I ignore her comment and turn to look out of the window.

Within less than an hour we have arrived in LA. I grunt at the sights in front of me. I can just tell I'm going to hate it here.

"It's beautiful,right?" My mum asks stepping into the taxi. I internally groan and ignore her. I step into the taxi and look back to see all of our luggage being put into 4 other taxis.

40 minutes later

"Yay Lils we are here." I look at the house and my jaw drops. It's not even a house,it's a mansion. After taking in every detail of the house from the outside a youngish man steps our of the house and my mum runs to him and they embrace each other in a hug.

I think I just threw up,gross. Mum ushers me over there and I walk with caution.

"Lily-Ann this is Marcus. He's my new partner."

"Business partner? That's lovely mum." I say giving them a warm smile.

"Maybe I should rephrase that, we are together Lily."

"I know you're together silly you're standing right next to each other."

"For goodness sake Lily, we are getting married." I stare at my mother waiting for her to tell me it's just a joke. After 30 seconds of us both staring she still doesn't say anything.

"Oh I'm happy for you, now goodbye." I say pushing past the 'happy couple' and walking into the house. I stare at the marble staircase in awe. This house must have at least 7 bedrooms. If I wasn't so mad at my mum for making me leave Lancaster I would probably love this house,it's truly lovely.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I turn around to see Marcus looking down at me. It's now I realise that he's not actually bad looking. He has lovely bright,blue eyes. His hair is a messy brown. He's wearing a Lacoste polo shirt that hugs his figure perfectly. He's got blue chinos on and a pair of white converse. I have a pair just like it, kind of embarrassing.

"I know it must be hard Lily-Ann, but I really care for your mother."

"You can call me Lily." I say. A smile appears on his face instantly. I'm in his good books which is a good thing.

"Okay,Lily, you can go pick any of the bedrooms."  I nod and give him a wave and take off up the extraordinary staircase. I take in every feature of the hallway and walk through the halls. I walk up all the way to the 4th floor and find a huge bedroom that isn't occupied with furniture so I take the opportunity to claim it as mine.

I guess this might not be so bad...

Please read:

This is a new book. It's also a different story to My Bad Boy. But I have a lot in store for this new book and I think it's gonna be enjoyable writing it:-)

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